IPEW 2025. – Umjetnici, ansambli, predavači / Artists & Ensambles & Lecturers


IGOR LEŠNIK i njegova umjetinička suradnja s poznatim kolegama, bogata kolekcija snimaka i solističko koncertno djelovanje predstavili su hrvatsku udaraljkašku scenu svijetu početkom 1990-ih. Njegovu glazbu danas izvode renomirani solisti i ansambli, a njegove skladbe čine obavezan dio programa na međunarodnim natjecanjima udaraljkaša.

Kao osnivač Odsjeka za udaraljke na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, profesor Lešnik redovito gostuje na renomiranim sveučilištima pet kontinenata, a njegovi udaraljkaški članci objavljeni su u Europi i SAD-u. Od 1990. organizira međunarodne udaraljkaške događaje, a od 1984. do 2014. vodio je udaraljkašku sekciju Simfonijskog orkestra Hrvatske radiotelevizije. Također je bio predsjednik Hrvatskog ogranka Društva za udaraljkašku umjetnost / SAD i predsjednik žirija Universal Marimba Competition / Belgija.

Za svoja umjetnička dostignuća primio je brojne nagrade u zemlji i inozemstvu. Godine 2003. stekao je francuski viteški naslov (Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres) za postignuća u umjetnosti i književnosti.

Bivši pročelnik Odsjeka za dirigiranje, harfu i udaraljke, prof. Lešnik od 1. listopada 2019. obnaša dužnost dekana Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

’s artistic collaborations with famous colleagues, his rich collection of recordings and his soloist concert activities introduced Croatian percussion scene to the world in early 1990s. His music is today performed by renowned soloists and ensembles and international percussion competitions program his works.

As founder of the percussion department at the Music Academy in Zagreb, professor Lešnik is regular guest at renowned universities of five continents and his percussion articles have been published in Europe and USA. Since 1990 Igor organizes international percussion events and had led the Croatian Radio Symphony Orchestra percussion section from 1984 to 2014. He was also the president of the Croatian Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society / USA and Jury President of the Universal Marimba Competition / Belgium.

Igor has received numerous awards for his artistic achievements at home and abroad. In 2003, he was awarded French knighthood title (Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des

Lettres) for accomplishments in arts and literature.

Former Head of the Department for Conducting, Harp and Percussion, Prof. Lešnik serves as the Dean of the Academy of Music at the University of Zagreb since October 1, 2019.


MARKO MIHAJLOVIĆ je rođen 23.07.1979. u Zagrebu. Nakon završene srednje Glazbene škole u Bjelovaru (smjer – teoretičar) i paralelno srednje Glazbene škole Pavao Markovac u Zagrebu (smjer – udaraljkaš) upisuje studij udaraljki na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Igora Lešnika te završava isti 2004. godine. Već u toku studija postaje honorarni suradnik Zagrebačke Filharmonije i Simfonijskog Orkestra Hrvatske Radio Televizije s kojim redovito svira do danas. U isto vrijeme djeluje kao član ansambla biNg baNg s kojim će u sljedećih desetak godina svirati na najvećim svjetskim festivalima za udaraljkašku glazbu (Taipei, Nashwille, Paris, Varšava, Valencia, Montevideo, Peking), osvojiti nagradu za najbolji studentski ansambl udaraljki na svijetu na festivalu „PASIC“ (Nashwille, USA, 2004.) i snimiti CD za američku tvrku „Equilibrium Records“. Iste godine dobitnik je i Rektorove nagrade. Za vrijeme studija započinje i suradnju sa Zagrebačkim solistima s kojima tokom sljedećih nekoliko godina ima nekoliko nastupa kao solist. Pred kraj studija počinje svirati u ansamblu Cantus u kojem djeluje i danas. Nastupaju diljem svijeta (Paris, London, Peking, Toronto, Villnius, Bern, Köln, Bordoux) te osvajaju nagradu Judita. Također se redovito usavršava na raznim seminarima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. 

Nakon završetka studija započinjes radom u Glazbenoj školi „Vatroslav Lisinski“ u Bjelovaru kao profesor udaraljki te nastavlja koncertni život s ansablima i kao solist. U ciklusu Lisinski subotom svira koncert s poznatim glazbenicima Branimirom Slokarom, Stankom Arnoldom, Radovanom Vlatkovićem i Ljerkom Očić, te „Koncert marimba solista“ na kojem nastupaju Ivana Bilić, Eriko Daimo, Bogdan Bacanu i Katarzyna Mycka. Godine 2007. dobiva posao kao prvi timpanist u Hrvatskom Narodnom Kazalištu gdje radi i danas. Također počinje svirati u ansamblu Acoustic Project gdje svira vibrafon. Osniva i kvartet udaraljki Boomerang s kojim koncertira po Hrvatskoj od 2010. na dalje te snima emisiju „Notica“ za djecu (HRT, 2014.).  

S orkestrom Hrvatske Radio Televizije nastupa kao solist s djelom „Muzika za marimbu i gudače“ Dubravka Palanovića (2013.). Skladbu je izveo i sa Zagrebačkim solistima, a isto djelo (snimka) je dobitnik nagrade za najbolju kompoziciju na natjecanju „Reiners – stiftung“ u Beču. Godine 2014. odlazi na turneju po Kanadi s ansamblom Cantus s kojim nastupa kao solist u poznatoj dvorani Glenn Gould u Torontu. Od 2015. godine svira i u duu Art MM s violinisticom i budućom suprugom Evom Mach. Nastupaju na festivalima diljem Hrvatske i predstavljaju glazbu raznih stilova u neobičnoj kombinaciji zvuka violine i marimbe, kao i kompozicije izvorno pisane za ova dva instrumenta. 

Godine 2017. postaje docent na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu gdje predaje udaraljkaški ansambl i studij orkestralnih dionica. Na akademiji preuzima vodstvo udaraljkaškog ansambla biNg baNg s kojim redovito nastupa na festivalima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. U istom razdoblju započinje i rad u organizaciji Međunarodnog udaraljkaškog festivala u Bjelovaru na kojem svake godine gostuju renomirani inozemni ansambli i solisti. Godine 2018. zajedno s udaraljkašem Hrvojem Sekovanićem svira s ansamblom Zagrebačkih solista u skladbi Ive Josipovića “Kurosavin nemir svijeta” za koju dobija i nominaciju za Porina. Iste godine ostvaruje suradnju sa zborom HRT-a s kojim svira nekoliko koncerta te snima nosač zvuka “Mir, zlato, tamjan”. Godine 2021. sudjeluje u izvedbi i snimanju djela “Pasija” skladatelja Berislava Šipuša s kojim ove godine osvaja i nagradu “Porin” u četiri kategorije.

was born on July 23, 1979, in Zagreb. After completing secondary education at the Music School in Bjelovar (majoring in Music Theory) and simultaneously attending the Pavao Markovac Music School in Zagreb (majoring in Percussion), he enrolled in percussion studies at the Zagreb Academy of Music under Professor Igor Lešnik, graduating in 2004. During his studies, he became a freelance collaborator with the Zagreb Philharmonic and the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra, with which he continues to perform regularly. At the same time, he joined the Bing Bang ensemble, with whom he performed at some of the world’s most prestigious percussion music festivals over the next decade (Taipei, Nashville, Paris, Warsaw, Valencia, Montevideo, Beijing). The ensemble won the award for the best student percussion ensemble in the world at the “PASIC” festival (Nashville, USA, 2004) and recorded a CD for the American label “Equilibrium Records.” In the same year, he received the Rector’s Award. During his studies, he also began collaborating with the Zagreb Soloists, with whom he performed several solo concerts over the following years. Toward the end of his studies, he began playing in the Cantus Ensemble, where he remains active today. The ensemble has performed worldwide (Paris, London, Beijing, Toronto, Vilnius, Bern, Cologne, Bordeaux) and has received the Judita Award. He regularly participates in various masterclasses in Croatia and abroad.

After graduating, he started teaching percussion at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School in Bjelovar while continuing his concert career as a soloist and ensemble member. He performed in the “Lisinski Saturdays” concert series alongside renowned musicians such as Branimir Slokar, Stanko Arnold, Radovan Vlatković, and Ljerka Očić, as well as in the “Marimba Soloist Concert,” featuring Ivana Bilić, Eriko Daimo, Bogdan Bacanu, and Katarzyna Mycka. In 2007, he became the principal timpanist of the Croatian National Theatre, where he works to this day. He also began performing with the Acoustic Project ensemble, playing vibraphone. In 2010, he founded the percussion quartet Boomerang, performing across Croatia and recording the children’s show “Notica” (HRT, 2014). 

With the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra, he performed Dubravko Palanović’s “Music for Marimba and Strings” as a soloist in 2013. This piece was also performed with the Zagreb Soloists and won the Reiners-Stiftung composition prize in Vienna. In 2014, he toured Canada with the Cantus Ensemble, performing as a soloist at the famous Glenn Gould Studio in Toronto. Since 2015, he has performed as part of the Art MM duo with violinist and future wife Eva Mach. They perform at festivals across Croatia, presenting music in various styles with the unique combination of violin and marimba, as well as compositions originally written for these instruments.

In 2017, he became an assistant professor at the Zagreb Academy of Music, teaching percussion ensemble and orchestral excerpt studies. He took over leadership of the Bing Bang percussion ensemble, regularly performing at festivals in Croatia and abroad. Around the same time, he began organizing the International Percussion Festival in Bjelovar, hosting renowned international ensembles and soloists annually. In 2018, he collaborated with percussionist Hrvoje Sekovanić and the Zagreb Soloists on Ivo Josipović’s piece “Kurosava’s Restless World,” earning a Porin nomination. That year, he also collaborated with the HRT Choir, performing several concerts and recording the album “Mir, zlato, tamjan.” In 2021, he participated in the performance and recording of Berislav Šipuš’s “Passion,” which won four Porin awards that year.

biNg baNg

biNg baNg udaraljkaški ansambl zagrebačke Muzičke akademije ima kratku, ali bogatu povijest. Pod umjetničkim vodstvom Igora Lešnika ansambl je osnovan 1999. godine kao ansambl Hrvatske glazbene mladeži. Nakon pet godina intenzivnog međunarodnog djelovanja postali su neovisni 2004. godine.

biNg baNg ansambl je laureat mnogih međunarodnih i hrvatskih glazbenih nagrada. Godine 2009. su osvojili Summa cum laude prvu nagradu Međunarodnog natjecanja u Belgiji, a 2004. godine ih je prestižni Arts Society International Convention u Nashvilleu USA proglasio najboljim studentskim ansamblom u svijetu za tu godinu. Među hrvatskim nagradama valja spomenuti nagradu “Ivo Vuljević” za najbolji mladi ansambl u Hrvatskoj te dvije Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Ansambl se sastoji od najboljih studenata udaraljki zagrebačke Muzičke akademije. Nastupao je diljem svijeta, od Europe i Azije do Amerike. biNg baNg je također ugostio mnoge poznate međunarodne soliste kao što su: Andy Narell, Dave Samuels, Art Lipner,Ney Rosauro, Jean Geoffroy John Beck, Angel Frette, Daniella Ganeva, Ludwig Albert… Njihov nosač zvuka pod nazivom “biNg baNg plays Lešnik” objavljen za američku tvrtku Equilibrium postigao je međunarodni uspjeh.

Članovi ansambla: Lucija Šimunović, Vid Pajić, Saša Miljanović, Sofija Miladinov, Luka Glavendekić, Dane Franolić, Marin Benja, Josip  Brajčić, Lucija Kovačić, Jesús Arias Lizcano
Solist na orguljama: Tomislav Krobot
Gošća na klaviru: Marta Bešlić
Voditelj ansambla: Marko Mihajlović, doc.

biNg baNg
percussion ensemble of the Zagreb Academy of Music has a short but rich history. Under the artistic direction of Igor Lešnik, the ensemble was founded in 1999 as part of the Croatian Music Youth organization. After five years of intensive international activity, they became independent in 2004.

biNg baNg ensemble is a laureate of numerous international and Croatian music awards. In 2009, they won the Summa cum laude first prize at the International Competition in Belgium, and in 2004, they were named the best student ensemble in the world by the prestigious Arts Society International Convention in Nashville, USA. Among Croatian awards, notable mentions include the “Ivo Vuljević” award for the best young ensemble in Croatia and two Rector’s Awards from the University of Zagreb.

The ensemble consists of the best percussion students from the Zagreb Academy of Music. It has performed worldwide, from Europe and Asia to the Americas. biNg baNg has also hosted many renowned international soloists, including Andy Narell, Dave Samuels, Art Lipner, Ney Rosauro, Jean Geoffroy, John Beck, Ángel Frette, Daniella Ganeva, Ludwig Albert, and others. Their album, titled “biNg baNg Plays Lešnik,” released by the American label Equilibrium, achieved international success.

Ensemble members: Lucija Šimunović, Vid Pajić, Saša Miljanović, Sofija Miladinov, Luka Glavendekić, Dane Franolić, Marin Benja, Josip Brajčić, Lucija Kovačić, Jesús Arias Lizcano
Organ soloist: Tomislav Krobot
Guest pianist: Marta Bešlić
Ensemble leader: Marko Mihajlović, Assistant Professor


TOMISLAV KROBOT rođen je u Varaždinu 2002. godine. Prva znanja o orguljama dobiva s devet godina od orguljašice Vlatke Ivek i velečasnog Vjekoslava Gabuda, koji mu je također prenio znanje o funkcioniranju orgulja. Na njegov poticaj upisuje Glazbenu školu u Varaždinu. U Osnovnoj glazbenoj školi u Varaždinu završio je klavir u klasi prof. Janje Knapić. U Srednjoj glazbenoj školi u Varaždinu maturirao je orgulje u klasi mr. art. Natalije Imbrišak, prof. savjetnik te teoriju glazbe u klasi prof. Ivane Krznar. Uz glavne predmete fakultativno je učio i čembalo, kompjutersku notografiju i kompoziciju. Student je treće godine kompozicije u klasi red. prof. art. Berislava Šipuša i prve godine orgulja u klasi red. prof. art. Marija Penzara na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Aktivan je kao crkveni orguljaš i voditelj Mješovitog zbora župe Sračinec pomažući tako cjelokupnom glazbenom životu župe.

Bio je višegodišnji aktivni polaznik seminara i radionica Orguljaške ljetne škole u Šibeniku u klasama renomiranih hrvatskih profesora: Pavla Mašića, Natalije Imbrišak, Ante Knešaureka i Emina Armana. Na domaćim i međunarodnim glazbenim natjecanjima iz harmonije, klavira, orgulja, solfeggia i teorije glazbe osvojio je mnoštvo nagrada, od kojih se posebno ističu I. nagrade iz orguljama u Udinama (gdje je ocjenjivački sud predvodio Olivier Latry, orguljaš katedrale Notre-Dame u Parizu), Kaunasu, Moskvi i Londonu.

Za vrijeme studija u Zagrebu praizvedeno mu je nekoliko skladbi. Dobitnik je dviju rektorovih nagrada za veliki timski znanstveni i umjetnički rad. Bavi se i orguljskom improvizacijom, a zanima ga i gradnja orgulja te organologija. Amaterski se bavi i popravcima, održavanjem i ugodbom orgulja župne crkve sv. Mihaela ark. u Sračincu.

TOMISLAV KROBOT was born in Varaždin in 2002. He received his first knowledge of the organ at the age of nine from organist Vlatka Ivek and Reverend Vjekoslav Gabud, who also taught him about the mechanics of the instrument. On Gabud’s encouragement, he enrolled in the Music School in Varaždin. In the Elementary Music School in Varaždin, he completed piano studies under Professor Janja Knapić. In the Secondary Music School in Varaždin, he graduated in organ under the mentorship of Associate Professor Natalija Imbrišak and completed music theory under Professor Ivana Krznar. Alongside his main subjects, he also studied harpsichord, computer music notation, and composition as electives. He is currently a third-year composition student under Full Professor Berislav Šipuš and a first-year organ student under Full Professor Mario Penzar at the Zagreb Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. He is active as a church organist and the conductor of the Mixed Choir of the Parish of Sračinec, contributing significantly to the parish’s musical life.

For several years, he was an active participant in the Organ Summer School workshops in Šibenik, studying with renowned Croatian professors Pavle Mašić, Natalija Imbrišak, Ante Knešaurek, and Emin Arman. He has won numerous awards in national and international music competitions in harmony, piano, organ, solfège, and music theory. Notable among these are first prizes in organ competitions in Udine (judged by Olivier Latry, organist of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris), Kaunas, Moscow, and London.

During his studies in Zagreb, several of his compositions have premiered. He has received two Rector’s Awards for significant team-based scientific and artistic work. He is also engaged in organ improvisation and is interested in organ construction and organology. As an amateur, he works on repairing, maintaining, and tuning the organ of the Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Sračinec.


UDARALJKAŠKI ANSAMBL GLAZBENE ŠKOLE VATROSLAVA LISINSKOG, BJELOVAR Udaraljkaški školski ansambl u Glazbenoj školi Vatrosla Lisinskog Bjelovar broji 15 učenika koji pohađaju osnovnu i srednju glazbenu školu smjera udaraljki. Redovito nastupaju na školskim koncertima i kulturnim manifestacijama. Njihov repertoar uključuje sve od klasičnih glazbenih djela i suvremenih aranžmana do obrada najpoznatijih svjetskih pjesama. 

Članovi ansambla: Dominik Šabarić, Mateo Martinovski, Oskar Ćurić, Pia Crlenjak, Jakov Prebježić, Erik Zemčak, Bruno Ključarić, Matej Kokan, Donat Jurišić, David Sabolović, Gabriel Andrić, Mihovil Lovrović, Martin Roviščanec, Oskar Matuš i Filip Bogadi
Voditelj ansambla: Luka Mihajlović, mag.mus. 


PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE OF THE VATROSLAV LISINSKI MUSIC SCHOOL BJELOVAR The percussion ensemble of the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School in Bjelovar consists of 15 students attending the elementary and high music school percussion program. They regularly perform at school concerts and cultural events. Their repertoire spans classical music pieces, contemporary arrangements, and covers of some of the world’s most famous songs.

Ensemble members: Dominik Šabarić, Mateo Martinovski, Oskar Ćurić, Pia Crlenjak, Jakov Prebježić, Erik Zemčak, Bruno Ključarić, Matej Kokan, Donat Jurišić, David Sabolović, Gabriel Andrić, Mihovil Lovrović, Martin Roviščanec, Oskar Matuš, and Filip Bogadi.

Ensemble leader: Luka Mihajlović, mag. mus. 



LUKA MIHAJLOVIĆ (1999., Zagreb) odrasta u Bjelovaru te tamo započinje svoj glazbeni put. U Glazbenoj školi Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar završio je tri godine osnovne škole za klavir te se kasnije prebacio na udaraljke koje završava 2018. godine. Nakon toga upisuje i diplomira udaraljke na Muzičkoj akademiji u klasi prof. Igora Lešnika. Uz studij na Muzičkoj akademiji završio je i glazbenu produkciju na Music Production Academy u Zagrebu. Tijekom školovanja dobitnik je mnoštva nagrada na natjecanjima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Redovito se usavršava i sudjeluje na međunarodnim seminarima i festivalima. Već je tijekom studija bio redoviti honorarni suradnik orkestara Hrvatske radio televizije, Zagrebačke filharmonije te orkestra Opere Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu. Po završetku studija, 2023. godine zapošljava se kao nastavnik udaraljki u Glazbenoj školi Jan Vlašimsky Virovitica, a od rujna 2024. godine radi u Glazbenoj školi Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar, također kao nastavnik udaraljki.

(1999, Zagreb) grew up in Bjelovar, where he began his musical journey. He completed three years of elementary piano studies at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School in Bjelovar before switching to percussion, which he completed in 2018. He then enrolled in and graduated with a degree in percussion from the Academy of Music under the mentorship of Professor Igor Lešnik. In addition to his studies at the Academy of Music, he also completed a program in music production at the Music Production Academy in Zagreb.

During his education, he won numerous awards at competitions in Croatia and abroad. He regularly participates in international seminars and festivals to further his expertise. Even during his studies, he was a regular freelance collaborator with orchestras of Croatian Radio and Television, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and the Opera Orchestra of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb.

After completing his studies in 2023, he began working as a percussion teacher at the Jan Vlašimsky Music School in Virovitica. Since September 2024, he has been teaching percussion at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School in Bjelovar. 


BIG BAND BJELOVAR aktivno njeguje jazz tradiciju i pruža svjež pristup suvremenom big band zvuku. Pod vodstvom Brune Bišćana od 2018. godine, ansambl okuplja talentirane glazbenike iz Bjelovara i okolice, s ciljem promicanja jazz kulture i izvođenja kvalitetnog glazbenog programa.

Od svog ponovnog osnivanja, Big Band Bjelovar nastupio je na brojnim značajnim festivalima i događanjima, uključujući Fest Jazza Koprivnica (2021., 2022.), Wibra Fest Zagreb (2021., 2022.), Kulturno ljeto Vis (2021.), FLIG Daruvar (2019., 2021.), Amadeus Fest (2021.), OktoBeer fest Zagreb (2022.) te Advent na Zrinjevcu (otvorenje 2022.). Također, domaćini su vlastitog jazz festivala, Big Weekend Bjelovar, koji je od 2019. postao prepoznatljiv kulturni događaj u regiji. Ansambl se ističe i suradnjom s renomiranim glazbenicima poput Tanje Filipović, The Gentleman-a i Matije Cveka. Ova partnerstva dodatno su obogatila njihov repertoar i omogućila publici da uživa u raznovrsnim izvedbama koje spajaju klasični big band stil s modernim glazbenim izričajima.

actively fosters the jazz tradition while offering a fresh approach to the contemporary big band sound. Under the leadership of Bruno Bišćan since 2018, the ensemble brings together talented musicians from Bjelovar and its surroundings, aiming to promote jazz culture and deliver high-quality musical programs.

Since its re-establishment, Big Band Bjelovar has performed at numerous prominent festivals and events, including Fest Jazz Koprivnica (2021, 2022), Wibra Fest Zagreb (2021, 2022), Cultural Summer Vis (2021), FLIG Daruvar (2019, 2021), Amadeus Fest (2021), OktoBeer Fest Zagreb (2022), and Advent on Zrinjevac (opening, 2022). They also host their own jazz festival, Big Weekend Bjelovar, which has become a recognized cultural event in the region since 2019.

The ensemble is distinguished by its collaborations with renowned artists such as Tanja Filipović, The Gentleman, and Matija Cvek. These partnerships have enriched their repertoire and allowed audiences to enjoy diverse performances that blend classic big band style with modern musical expressions.


BRUNO BIŠĆAN je jazz saksofonist, skladatelj i aranžer, rođen 25. kolovoza 1998. godine u Bjelovaru. Prvostupnički studij jazz saksofona završio je 2021. godine na Akademiji za glazbene i scenske umjetnosti u Grazu (KUG) u klasi Heinricha von Kalneina i Juliana Arguellesa. Tijekom studija, semestar 2020. godine proveo je na Zürcher Hochschule der Künste gdje je studirao kod Christopha Graba. Sudjelovao je na radionicama „Jazz is Back BP” u Grožnjanu s Karlheinzom Miklinom i „International Summer Jazz School“ na Braču sa Sašom Nestorovićem.

Magistarski studij jazz kompozicije i aranžiranja završio je 2024. godine na KUG-u u klasi Eda Partyke, čime je dodatno proširio svoje znanje u polju jazz glazbe. Njegov talent i trud prepoznati su 2023. godine, kada je osvojio prestižnu nagradu „DownBeat Student Music Award“ za najbolji aranžman za jazz orkestar aranžmanom kompozicije Theloniousa Monka „Ruby My Dear“.

Od 2018. godine vodi Big Band Bjelovar, koji je pod njegovim vodstvom ostvario značajne uspjehe, uključujući nominaciju za nagradu „Porin“ 2022. godine s albumom „Izbirljivo i namjerno“. Također, od 2023. godine glazbeni je urednik „Božićnog gala koncerta“ u Bjelovaru.

Kao saksofonist, Bruno surađuje s renomiranim ansamblima poput Jazz orkestra HRT-a, Jazz orkestra Hrvatske vojske, KUG Jazz orkestra, Jazz Istra Orkestra i Big Banda Požega. Njegova aktivnost u području aranžiranja uključuje suradnju s brojnim orkestrima, pri čemu je najviše aranžmana napisao za Jazz orkestar HRT-a i Big Band Bjelovar.

is a jazz saxophonist, composer, and arranger, born on August 25, 1998, in Bjelovar. He completed his undergraduate studies in jazz saxophone in 2021 at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz (KUG), under the guidance of Heinrich von Kalnein and Julian Arguelles. During his studies, he spent a semester in 2020 at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, where he studied with Christoph Grab. He also participated in the “Jazz is Back BP” workshop in Grožnjan with Karlheinz Miklin and the “International Summer Jazz School” in Brač with Saša Nestorović.

He completed his Master’s degree in jazz composition and arranging in 2024 at KUG in the class of Ed Partyka, further expanding his knowledge in the field of jazz music. His talent and dedication were recognized in 2023 when he won the prestigious DownBeat Student Music Award for Best Arrangement for Jazz Orchestra with his arrangement of Thelonious Monk’s composition Ruby My Dear.

Since 2018, he has been leading the Big Band Bjelovar, which has achieved significant successes under his leadership, including a nomination for the Porin Award in 2022 with the album Izbirljivo i namjerno. He has also been the musical editor of the Christmas Gala Concert in Bjelovar since 2023.

As a saxophonist, Bruno collaborates with renowned ensembles such as the HRT Jazz Orchestra, Croatian Armed Forces Jazz Orchestra, KUG Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Istra Orchestra, and the Požega Big Band. His arranging work includes collaborations with numerous orchestras, with the most arrangements written for the HRT Jazz Orchestra and Big Band Bjelovar.


UDARALJKAŠKI TRIO „SiNKOPA“ Profesorica Anita Primorac školske godine 2012./2013. osniva ansambl „SiNKOPA” koji zapaženo nastupa na školskim, gradskim i županijskim kulturno-umjetničkim prigodama, smotrama i festivalima. Ansambl gostuje diljem Hrvatske te je dobitnik mnogih regionalnih, državnih i međunarodnih nagrada. U veljači 2019. god. ansambl sudjeluje u svjetskoj praizvedbi muziciranja s japanskom roboticom Pepper u sklopu manifestacije “Noć muzeja”. Uz renomiranog znanstvenika Svena Maričića ansambl SiNKOPA izvodi kompozicije profesorice Primorac: “Uvertira Robotica” i “Preludij u d-molu” uz recitaciju “Ledene pjesme” (hommage J. P. Kamovu). Ansambl pod dirigentskom palicom prof. Primorac sudjeluje na otvorenju međunarodnog projekta “Rijeka 2020 – Europska prijestolnica kulture” 1. veljače 2020. na De Franceschijevom gatu Luke Rijeka uz izravni televizijski prijenos. Udaraljkaški ansambl SiNKOPA izvedbom skladbe „Ronjgov marš“ Anite Primorac otvara prvi udaraljkaški koncert u povijesti Rijeke koji se održao u riječkom kazalištu 5. lipnja 2022. gdje se ansambl predstavio s još tri skladbe. Suradnja učenika udaraljki s profesionalnim udaraljkašima iz kazališta se od 2022. godine tradicionalno održava jednom godišnje u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka. Članovi udaraljkaškog ansambla „SiNKOPA“ kroz svibanj i lipanj 2024. god. sudjeluju u glazbeno-scenskim pripremama i izvedbama opere „Rajnino zlato“ R. Wagnera (7. lipnja je bila riječka praizvedba opere) gdje imaju zapažene nastupe. 

Udaraljkaški kvartet SiNKOPA 13. srpnja 2024. god. uspješno nastupa na Riječkim ljetnim noćima te dobiva izvrsne pohvale od publike i struke, a udaraljkaški trio SiNKOPA šk. god. 2024./2025. čine Franka Zupičić, Matias Belušić Gonzalez i Massimo Balczo. 

Franka od rođenja, 25.09.2008., pozitivno reagira na glazbu. Već je s dvije godine počela pjevati u Malim Riječanima i Morčićima pod vodstvom prof. Egle Trošelj, zatim u Praputnjarskim Slavićima te s devet godina upisuje osnovnu Glazbenu školu Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Rijeka. Zahvaljujući entuzijazmu prof. Primorac koja je predano i nesebično prati u radu i razvoju te nakon više uspješnih nastupa na regionalnim i državnim natjecanjima, odlučuje da će nastaviti sa srednjoškolskim glazbenim obrazovanjem. Uz školske obaveze se pridružuje Ženskom zboru Sklad iz Bakra gdje kombinira pjevanje i instrumentalnu pratnju na udaraljkama. Voli se družiti i jako uživa u komornom muziciranju gdje uz SiNKOPU i aranžmane prof. Primorac upoznaje i druge žanrove glazbe.

Matias je rođen 23.12.2008. god., stanuje u Labinu i pohađa srednju Glazbenu školu Ivana Matetića Ronjgova u Rijeci, smjer udaraljke, u klasi prof. A. Primorac. Osnovno glazbeno obrazovanje stekao je u Umjetničkoj školi Matka Brajše Rašana u Labinu u klasi prof. M. Lincmajera tijekom kojeg je osvojio visoke nagrade na regionalnim i državnim natjecanjima u disciplini komornih sastava, a 2019. god. s kvintetom na državnom natjecanju osvaja 1. nagradu. S udaraljkaškim ansamblom „Bum Bam“ sudjelovao je na 20. Međunarodnom udaraljkaškom tjednu IPEW 2023. u Bjelovaru. Kroz prvu godinu srednjoškolskog obrazovanja nastupio je kao solist na 62. hrvatskom natjecanju učenika i studenata glazbe gdje je u III. kategoriji na međužupanijskoj razini osvojio 1., a na državnoj razini 2. nagradu. S udaraljkaškim duom i triom na 63. međužupanijskom natjecanju komornih sastava osvaja 1. nagrade.

Massimo od ranog djetinjstva pokazuje interes za glazbu. Uspješno pohađa srednju Glazbenu školu Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Rijeka u klasi profesorice Anite Primorac. Kroz dosadašnje glazbeno obrazovanje imao je puno solističkih i komornih nastupa te je sudjelovao na mnogo županijskih, državnih i međunarodnih natjecanja od kojih se ističu Oskar znanja na državnom natjecanju (2018. god.), dvije 1. nagrade na Međunarodnom natjecanju mladih glazbenika Sonus (2017. i 2018. god.) te 1. nagrada u IV. kategoriji na državnom natjecanju (2024. god.). U svibnju 2024. god. položio je audiciju za međunarodnu ljetnu turneju s ESYO orkestrom (European Spirit of Youth Orchestra) s kojim uspješno nastupa.

Članovi ansambla: Franka Zupičić, Matias Belušić Gonzalez, Massimo Balczo
Voditelj ansambla: Anita Primorac, prof.

In the 2012/2013 school year, Professor Anita Primorac founded the ensemble “SiNKOPA,” which has been performing successfully at school, city, and county cultural and artistic events, showcases, and festivals. The ensemble has performed across Croatia and has won many regional, national, and international awards. In February 2019, the ensemble participated in the world premiere of a performance with the Japanese robot Pepper as part of the “Night of Museums” event. Along with renowned scientist Sven Maričić, the ensemble performed compositions by Professor Primorac: “Overture Robotica” and “Prelude in D Minor”, accompanied by the recitation of “Ice Song” (hommage to J.P. Kamov).

Under the baton of Professor Primorac, the ensemble participated in the opening of the international project “Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture” on February 1, 2020, at De Franceschi’s pier in the Port of Rijeka, with a live television broadcast. The percussion ensemble SiNKOPA opened the first percussion concert in Rijeka’s history with the performance of “Ronja’s March” by Anita Primorac at the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka on June 5, 2022, where the ensemble also performed three other pieces. Since 2022, the collaboration between percussion students and professional percussionists from the theatre has been held annually at the Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc in Rijeka. In May and June 2024, members of the percussion ensemble “SiNKOPA” will participate in the musical-theatrical preparations and performances of Richard Wagner’s opera “Das Rheingold” (with the world premiere in Rijeka on June 7), where they will have notable performances. On July 13, 2024, the SiNKOPA Percussion Quartet will perform successfully at the Rijeka Summer Nights, receiving excellent praise from both the audience and the professionals. The percussion trio SiNKOPA for the 2024/2025 school year will consist of Franka Zupičić, Matias Belušić Gonzalez, and Massimo Balczo.

Franka, born on September 25, 2008, has responded positively to music from a very young age. At the age of two, she started singing with the Mali Riječani and Morčići under the guidance of Professor Egle Trošelj, then continued with Praputnjarski Slavići. At nine, she enrolled in the primary music school Ivana Matetića Ronjgova in Rijeka. Thanks to the enthusiasm of Professor Primorac, who has devotedly supported her development, and after several successful performances at regional and national competitions, Franka decided to continue her secondary music education. Alongside her school obligations, she joined the Women’s Choir Sklad from Bakar, where she combines singing and instrumental accompaniment on percussion. She enjoys socializing and finds great joy in chamber music, where, along with SiNKOPA and Professor Primorac’s arrangements, she explores various music genres.

Matias was born on December 23, 2008, lives in Labin, and attends the Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Music School in Rijeka, majoring in percussion, under the guidance of Professor A. Primorac. He completed his primary music education at the Matko Brajša Rašan Art School in Labin, in the class of Professor M. Lincmajer, during which he won high awards at regional and national competitions in the chamber music discipline. In 2019, he won 1st place at the national competition with a quintet. He participated in the 20th International Percussion Week (IPEW 2023) in Bjelovar with the percussion ensemble “Bum Bam.” In his first year of high school education, he performed as a soloist at the 62nd Croatian competition for music students, where he won 1st place at the inter-county level and 2nd place at the national level in Category III. With a percussion duo and trio, he won 1st prizes at the 63rd inter-county chamber music competition.

Massimo has shown an interest in music from an early age. He successfully attends the Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Music School in Rijeka in the class of Professor Anita Primorac. Throughout his music education, he has had many solo and chamber performances and has participated in numerous regional, national, and international competitions. Notable achievements include the Oskar Knowledge Award at the national competition (2018), two 1st prizes at the Sonus International Competition for Young Musicians (2017 and 2018), and a 1st prize in Category IV at the national competition (2024). In May 2024, he passed the audition for an international summer tour with the ESYO Orchestra (European Spirit of Youth Orchestra), with whom he performs successfully.

Ensemble members: Franka Zupičić, Matias Belušić Gonzalez, Massimo Balczo
Ensemble leader: Anita Primorac, Professor


ANITA PRIMORAC je rođena u Rijeci. Ljubav prema glazbi osjeća od najranijeg djetinjstva te s tri godine počinje učiti svirati klavir kod prof. A. Pregelj te pjevati u dječjim zborovima, a od 9. godine glumi i pjeva u projektima HNK Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka. Nakon završenog osnovnog i srednjoškolskog obrazovanja u Glazbenoj školi Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Rijeka – teorijski smjer (gdje je proglašena učenicom generacije) paralelno pohađa smjer udaraljki (u klasi prof. Ž. Grigića). Godine 2004. godine dolazi u Zagreb gdje upisuje studij Glazbene teorije s kompozicijom na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te uporedo maturira udaraljke u Glazbenoj školi Vatroslava Lisinskog u klasi prof. E. Happ. Godine 2006. na istoj akademiji upisuje studij Udaraljki u klasi prof. I. Lešnika. Akademiju upisuje kao prva na listi na oba smjera prijemnih ispita.

Kao učenica i studentica dobitnica je mnogih nagrada na regionalnim, državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima te je aktivno sudjelovala na mnogim seminarima u Hrvatskoj i diljem svijeta. S udaraljkaškim ansamblom biNg bang 2009. god. osvaja I. nagradu SUMMA CUM LAUDE kao apsolutni pobjednik (s osvojenih 100 bodova) 57. europskog natjecanja ansambala u Belgiji (Neerpelt) gdje je nastupilo 96 ansambala, a akademske godine 2008./2009. ansambl je dobitnik posebne Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. S kvartetom KL4NG 2010. god. osvaja I. nagradu na Međunarodnom natjecanju Ferdo Livadić u Samoboru te Rektorovu nagradu 2011. godine. Kvartet teži širenju hrvatskog glazbenog izričaja te su kao rezultat uspješne suradnje praizvele djela suvremenih hrvatskih skladatelja.

Surađuje s brojnim orkestrima i komornim ansamblima, a posebno se ističe uspješna suradnja s komornim sastavima Berlinske i Praške filharmonije 2014. godine. Stalna je vanjska suradnica orkestra riječke Opere Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka, a kao solistica i članica različitih ansambala nastupa diljem Hrvatske te u BIH, Srbiji, Mađarskoj, Sloveniji, Italiji, Austriji, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Nizozemskoj, Engleskoj, Belgiji, Španjolskoj, Švedskoj, SAD-u, Puerto Ricu, Južnoj Koreji, Kini i dr.. Sklada i s kolegicom Moranom Endrighetti izvodi tri kompozicije za glas i klavir povodom otvaranja muzeja u Japanu 2008. godine. God. 2010. diplomira na studiju Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu – Glazbena teorija, a u lipnju 2011. god. magistrira Udaraljke na istoj akademiji.

Od šk. god. 2011./2012. djeluje u Glazbenoj školi Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Rijeka gdje predaje nastavu udaraljki i komorne glazbe. Njezini učenici nastupaju na mnogobrojnim koncertima, volontiraju u raznim prigodama i sudjeluju u različitim projektima te su dobitnici brojnih županijskih, državnih i međunarodnih nagrada. Godine 2019. je dobitnica županijske nagrade za najuspješniju odgojno-obrazovnu djelatnicu. Autorica je 30 zvučnih zapisa za elektronički dio udžbenika iz serije Glazba namijenjenih za nastavu glazbene umjetnosti u srednjoj školi (2021. god.) te dosad ima objavljena dva obrazovna materijala na digitalnoj platformi Euditorij (2023. god.). U listopadu 2024. god. Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih nagrađuje profesoricu Primorac kao jednu od 513 najuspješnijih odgojno-obrazovnih radnika u Hrvatskoj, a u prosincu 2024. je dobitnica Godišnje nagrade Hrvatskog društva glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga. Životni joj je poziv rad s učenicima i širenje ljubavi kroz glazbu koja oplemenjuje i potiče razvoj – kako pojedinca, tako i društva.

was born in Rijeka. She has had a love for music since early childhood, starting piano lessons with Professor A. Pregelj at the age of three and singing in children’s choirs. From the age of nine, she also acted and sang in projects at the Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc in Rijeka. After completing her primary and secondary education at the Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Music School in Rijeka – theoretical program (where she was named student of the year), she simultaneously attended the percussion program (under Professor Ž. Grigić). In 2004, she moved to Zagreb to study Music Theory with Composition at the Music Academy of the University of Zagreb, while also graduating in percussion at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School in the class of Professor E. Happ. In 2006, she enrolled in the percussion program at the same academy, studying under Professor I. Lešnik. She was the top candidate in both entrance exams.

As a student, she won many awards at regional, national, and international competitions and actively participated in many seminars in Croatia and around the world. In 2009, with the percussion ensemble biNg bang, she won the 1st prize SUMMA CUM LAUDE as the absolute winner (with 100 points) at the 57th European Ensemble Competition in Belgium (Neerpelt), where 96 ensembles participated. During the 2008/2009 academic year, the ensemble received a special Rector’s Award from the University of Zagreb. In 2010, with the KL4NG quartet, she won 1st place at the Ferdo Livadić International Competition in Samobor and the Rector’s Award in 2011. The quartet focuses on expanding Croatian musical expression and, as a result of their successful collaboration, premiered works by contemporary Croatian composers.

She collaborates with numerous orchestras and chamber ensembles, and is particularly noted for her successful collaboration with the chamber ensembles of the Berlin and Prague Philharmonics in 2014. She is a regular external collaborator with the Rijeka Opera Orchestra, and as a soloist and member of various ensembles, she performs throughout Croatia as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, England, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, the USA, Puerto Rico, South Korea, China, and more. She composed and performed three pieces for voice and piano for the opening of a museum in Japan in 2008, in collaboration with her colleague Morana Endrighetti. In 2010, she graduated with a degree in Music Theory from the Music Academy in Zagreb, and in June 2011, she completed her Master’s degree in Percussion at the same academy.

Since the 2011/2012 school year, she has been teaching percussion and chamber music at the Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Music School in Rijeka. Her students perform at numerous concerts, volunteer for various events, and participate in different projects, winning many regional, national, and international awards. In 2019, she was awarded the regional prize for the most successful educator. She is the author of 30 audio recordings for the electronic part of the music textbooks series Music designed for high school music education (2021), and has published two educational materials on the digital platform Euditorij (2023). In October 2024, the Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth recognized Professor Primorac as one of the 513 most successful educators in Croatia, and in December 2024, she received the Annual Award from the Croatian Society of Music and Dance Pedagogues. Her life’s calling is to work with students and spread love through music, which enriches and fosters the development of both individuals and society.


BUM BAM Udaraljkaški ansambl Bum Bam iz Labina djeluje od 2015. godine pod umjetničkim vodstvom Marijana Lincmajera, profesora udaraljki. Članovi udaraljkaškog ansambla Bum Bam čine svi udaraljkaši kojih je trenutno upisano devet. Nastupali su na svim važnijim manifestacijama grada Labina i okolici. Otvarali su „Labina“– festival umjetnosti i tolerancije i „Shpenna DOX festival“ – festival dokumentarnog filma u Labinu, nastupili na svečanom otvaranju 100. obljetnice Labinske republike na kojoj je prisustvovao predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Zoran Milanović te godinu kasnije svirali na otvaranju 101. obljetnice Labinske republike. Održali su i humanitarni „Susret generacija“ koncert za grad Labin u svrhu nabavke novog mamografa, otvorili svečanu sjednicu grada Labina 2021. godine, nastupali na „CRO Race“-u 2020 godine., koja je prolazila kroz Labin te održali koncert u Kršanu na „KRAFIfest“-u. Ansambl je još gostovao u Španjolskoj te u Rijeci, Puli, Plominu i Buzetu. 

Udaraljkaški ansambl Bum Bam ima sekstet udaraljkaša sa kojim se predstavlja na natjecanjima i festivalima udaraljki. Sviraju raznoliki repertoar, od klasike do rock-a. Sve skladbe za ansambl sklada i aranžira njihov voditelj, prof. Marijan Lincmajer. Ovo ljeto održali su prvi Bum Bam Family seminar u trajanju od deset dana. Bilo je 34-vero polaznika. Na festivalu Bum Bam Family Fest izveli su cjelovečernji koncert.

Na međunarodnim i državnim natjecanjima nastupali su kao kvintet, kvartet, oktet, te osvojili prve i druge nagrade. Na posljednjim međunarodnim natjecanjima 08.11.2024. „Dugoselski Nocturno „ i 06.12.2024. „Ars Nova International Music Competition Trieste“ nastupali su kao oktet te osvojili dvije druge nagrade. Godine 2024. su imali dva velika božićna koncerta, u Labinu i Kršanu, a gostovali su i na božićnom koncertu gradskog orkestra Labin.

Članovi udaraljkaškog ansambla Bum Bam: Roko Černeka, Filippo Kranjac, Leana Cvečić, Bartol Ćorić, Zoi Tenčić i Vito Diminić 
Voditelj: Marijan Lincmajer, prof.

Percussion Ensemble Bum Bam from Labin has been active since 2015 under the artistic leadership of Marijan Lincmajer, a percussion professor. The ensemble is made up of nine percussionists. They have performed at all the major events in the city of Labin and the surrounding area. They opened the “Labina” Festival of Arts and Tolerance and the “Shpenna DOX Festival” – the documentary film festival in Labin, performed at the ceremonial opening of the 100th anniversary of the Labin Republic, attended by the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, and the following year performed at the opening of the 101st anniversary of the Labin Republic. They also held a charity concert titled “Susret Generacija” for the city of Labin to raise funds for a new mammogram machine, opened the ceremonial session of the city of Labin in 2021, performed at the “CRO Race” in 2020, which passed through Labin, and held a concert at the “KRAFIfest” in Kršan. The ensemble has also performed in Spain, as well as in Rijeka, Pula, Plomin, and Buzet.

The Bum Bam Percussion Ensemble consists of a sextet of percussionists, with which they perform at percussion competitions and festivals. They play a diverse repertoire, ranging from classical to rock music. All compositions for the ensemble are written and arranged by their leader, Prof. Marijan Lincmajer. This summer, they held their first Bum Bam Family seminar, lasting ten days, with 34 participants. At the Bum Bam Family Fest, they performed a full-length concert.

At international and national competitions, they have performed as a quintet, quartet, and octet, winning first and second prizes. At the most recent international competitions on November 8, 2024, at the “Dugoselski Nocturno” and December 6, 2024, at the “Ars Nova International Music Competition Trieste,” they performed as an octet and won two second prizes. In 2024, they held two major Christmas concerts in Labin and Kršan and also performed at the Christmas concert of the Labin City Orchestra.

Members of the Bum Bam Percussion Ensemble: Roko Černeka, Filippo Kranjac, Leana Cvečić, Bartol Ćorić, Zoi Tenčić, and Vito Diminić
Leader: Marijan Lincmajer, Prof.


MARIJAN LINCMAJER rođen je 1985. godine. Srednju glazbenu školu završio je u Bjelovaru, diplomirao je 2008. godine na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi profesora Igora Lešnika, a 2009. godine završio je Umjetničko usavršavanje komorne glazbe, također na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. S udaraljkaškim ansamblom biNg baNg broji mnoge nastupe diljem svijeta (festivali udaraljki u Valenciji, Lyonu, Parisu, Stockholmu, Taipeiu i Pekingu). Na državnim natjecanjima u Hrvatskoj osvojio je više prvih nagrada. 

Marijan Lincamjer istaknuo se i u pedagoškom radu kako s brojnim individualnim nagradama s učenicima, tako i s udaraljkaškim ansamblom Bum Bam za kojeg je napisao brojne skladbe i obrade, te osvojio visoke nagrade na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Niz godina djelovao je kao timpanist HNK u Rijeci, te radio u Umjetničkoj školi Matka Brajše Rašana u Labinu kao profesor udaraljki. Od ove godine vodi svoju vlastitu privatnu školu Bum Bam za glazbu i umjetnost , koju trenutno pohađa 21 učenik. Škola ima veliki orkestar Bum Bam Family, Bum Bam Family ansambl, Bum Bam Family oktet, udaraljkaški ansambl Bum Bam, te individualnu nastavu.

was born in 1985. He completed his secondary music education in Bjelovar and graduated in 2008 from the Music Academy in Zagreb in the class of Professor Igor Lešnik. In 2009, he completed his Artistic Improvement in Chamber Music, also at the Music Academy in Zagreb. With the percussion ensemble biNg baNg, he has had numerous performances worldwide (percussion festivals in Valencia, Lyon, Paris, Stockholm, Taipei, and Beijing). He has won several first prizes at national competitions in Croatia.

Marijan Lincmajer has also distinguished himself in pedagogy, receiving numerous individual awards with his students, as well as with the Bum Bam Percussion Ensemble, for which he has composed many pieces and arrangements and won high awards at national and international competitions. For many years, he worked as a timpanist at the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka and taught percussion at the Matko Brajša Rašan Art School in Labin. Since this year, he has been leading his own private music and arts school, Bum Bam, which currently has 21 students. The school features a large orchestra, Bum Bam Family, the Bum Bam Family Ensemble, the Bum Bam Family Octet, the Bum Bam Percussion Ensemble, and individual lessons.


LUCIJA KOVAČIĆ rođena je 4. lipnja 2001. godine u Karlovcu gdje je završila osnovno i srednje opće obrazovanje. Od svoje 8. godine pohađa glazbenu školu, a počela je sviranjem klavira. Završivši osnovnu glazbenu školu kao klaviristica odlučuje upisati srednju školu kao teoretičar te tako dobiva opciju sviranja još jednog instrumenta i odabire udaraljke u klasi profesorice Kaye Farszky. U 2. razredu srednje škole odlučuje se prebaciti na smjer udaraljkaša u klasi profesora Pavla Golubića. Natječe se u Zagrebu i Križevcima gdje osvaja nagradu posebno primijećenog natjecatelja. Kako bi unaprijedila svoje znanje o udaraljkama sudjeluje na masterclassovima i pohađa udaraljkaške seminare u Bjelovaru u organizaciji dekana Glazbene akademije u Zagrebu – Igora Lešnika (“International Percussion Ensemble Week”) i Samoboru u organizaciji pročelnice 3. odjela na Muzičkoj akademiji- Ivane Kuljerić (“Ivana Summer Percussion Festival”) . U listopadu 2024. godine sudjeluje u COMPEREL projektu u sklopu Erasmus+ programa koji se održao u Padovi. Trenutno je studentica 4. godine na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi profesorice Ivane Kuljerić. Osim u udaraljkaškom ansamblu Muzičke akademije “BiNg baNg”,  akademskim orkestrima, član je Puhačkog okestra grada Karlovca kao i ostalih županijskih orkestara. Također, honorarno nastupa s orkestrom Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu, sa Zagrebačkom filharmonijom, a već niz godina sudjeluje i kao stalni član Komornog karlovačkog orkestra. 


LUCIJA KOVAČIĆ was born on June 4, 2001, in Karlovac, where she completed her primary and secondary general education. She has been attending music school since the age of 8, initially starting with piano. After completing her primary music education as a pianist, she decided to enroll in secondary school as a music theorist, which gave her the option to play another instrument. She chose percussion in Professor Kaye Farszky’s class. In the second year of high school, she decided to switch to the percussion program under Professor Pavle Golubić. She competed in Zagreb and Križevci, where she won an award as a particularly outstanding competitor. To improve her knowledge of percussion, she has participated in masterclasses and attended percussion seminars in Bjelovar, organized by the Dean of the Music Academy in Zagreb, Igor Lešnik (“International Percussion Ensemble Week”), and in Samobor, organized by the Head of the 3rd Department at the Music Academy, Ivana Kuljerić (“Ivana Summer Percussion Festival”). In October 2024, she participated in the COMPEREL project as part of the Erasmus+ program, held in Padua. She is currently a 4th-year student at the Music Academy in Zagreb in the class of Professor Ivana Kuljerić. In addition to performing in the Music Academy’s percussion ensemble “BiNg baNg” and academic orchestras, she is also a member of the Karlovac Wind Orchestra and other regional orchestras. She also performs on a freelance basis with the Croatian National Theatre Orchestra in Zagreb, the Zagreb Philharmonic, and has been a regular member of the Karlovac Chamber Orchestra for many years. In addition to performing in the Music Academy’s percussion ensemble “BiNg baNg” and academic orchestras, she is also a member of the Karlovac Wind Orchestra and other regional orchestras. She also performs on a freelance basis with the Croatian National Theatre Orchestra in Zagreb, the Zagreb Philharmonic, and has been a regular member of the Karlovac Chamber Orchestra for many years.


DANE FRANOLIĆ (Zagreb, 2004.) student je treće godine udaraljki na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu koju je kao nadareni kandidat upisao godinu dana prije završetka srednje škole.

Sudjeluje na međunarodnim natjeca-njima i seminarima te nastupa na koncertima. U 2023. osvojio je šest nagrada. Na Percute Competition Catarroja u Valenciji (Španjolska) osvojio je prvu nagradu, kao i na Međunarodnom natjecanju udaraljkaških instrumenata „Stevan Strunjašević“ u Beogradu. Drugonagrađeni bio je u Austriji na Međunarodnom udaraljkaškom natjecanju u Halleinu. U Italiji na Filadelfia Festivalu u Tropei je pobijedio i osvojio prvu nagradu u kategoriji marimbe i prvu apsolutnu nagradu u kategoriji malog bubnja. U Tropei  je održao i svoj prvi solistički nastup izvan Hrvatske. Prošle godine mu je dodijeljena Yamaha stipendija, a kao stipendist sudjelovao je i na Yamahinom kongresu u Hamburgu. Ove je godine dobio stipendiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.  Na početku 2024. je nastupao na IPEW festivalu u Bjelovaru. Kao predstavnik Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu, nastupio je na UniART Festivalu, a pratili su ga plesači s Akademije dramskih umjetnosti. Nastupio je i na ciklusu koncerata mladih glazbenika u koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski. Prošle je godine održao solističke koncerte na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, na festivalu Večeri udaraljkaša Križevci te dva koncerta na Filadelfia Festivalu u Italiji. Ovog je ljeta održao svoju prvu solističku turneju. Odsvirao je dvanaest koncerata po jadranskoj obali, od Paga, preko Makarske, Brača i Visa, pa sve do Lastova. U posljednjih nekoliko godina svirao je i s brojnim sastavima, orkestrima i glazbenicima raznih stilova, od sastava ASMANGU preko talijanskog sastava Il Volo u koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski, pa do Orkestra mladih glazbenika u Berlinu.

Mentori na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu su mu profesor i dekan Igor Lešnik i asistent Luis Camacho Montealegre. Usavršavao se i s brojnim drugim poznatim solistima i profesorima poput prof. Ivane Kuljerić, Piusa Cheunga, Eriko Daimo, Nanzy Zeltsman i dr.


(Zagreb, 2004) is a third-year percussion student at the Music Academy in Zagreb, which he entered as a gifted candidate a year before completing high school.

He participates in international competitions and seminars and performs in concerts. In 2023, he won six awards. At the Percute Competition Catarroja in Valencia, Spain, he earned first prize, as well as at the International Percussion Instrument Competition “Stevan Strunjašević” in Belgrade. He was awarded second prize at the International Percussion Competition in Hallein, Austria. In Italy, at the Filadelfia Festival in Tropea, he won first prize in the marimba category and the first absolute prize in the snare drum category. He also gave his first solo performance outside Croatia in Tropea. Last year, he was awarded the Yamaha Scholarship and, as a scholarship holder, participated in the Yamaha Congress in Hamburg. This year, he received a scholarship from the University of Zagreb. At the beginning of 2024, he performed at the IPEW Festival in Bjelovar. Representing the Music Academy in Zagreb, he performed at the UniART Festival, accompanied by dancers from the Academy of Dramatic Arts. He also appeared in the Young Musicians Concert Series at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall. Last year, he gave solo concerts at the Music Academy in Zagreb, at the Percussion Nights Festival in Križevci, and two concerts at the Filadelfia Festival in Italy. This summer, he embarked on his first solo tour, performing twelve concerts along the Adriatic coast, from Pag to Makarska, Brač, Vis, and Lastovo.

In recent years, he has played with numerous ensembles, orchestras, and musicians across various styles, from the ASMANGU ensemble and the Italian group Il Volo at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, to the Young Musicians Orchestra in Berlin.

His mentors at the Music Academy in Zagreb are Professor and Dean Igor Lešnik and Assistant Luis Camacho Montealegre. He has also honed his skills with renowned soloists and professors, including Ivana Kuljerić, Pius Cheung, Eriko Daimo, Nancy Zeltsman, and others.



JESÚS ARIAS LIZCANO rođen je 1999. godine u Alcázar de San Juan-u, Španjolska. Tamo je s devet godina počeo svirati udaraljke u gradskoj glazbenoj školi. U Španjolskoj, poznatoj po velikom broju puhačkih orkestara, surađivao je, među ostalim, s “Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Albacete”. Nakon što je završio preddiplomski studij na “Conservatorio de Música Superior de Castilla-La Mancha”, gdje je surađivao s Miguelom Ángelom Orero Garcíom, Miguelom Ángelom López-Valerom i Manuelom López-Valerom, prošle godine dolazi u Hrvatsku kako bi studirao na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi Igora Lešnika i njegovog asistenta Luisa Camacha. Trenutno je na 5. godini diplomskog studija. U Zagrebu je već nastupao s Orkestrom Hrvatske radiotelevizije, udaraljkaškim  ansamblom akademije BiNg BaNg te s Komornim orkestromZagrebačke filharmonije.

Sudjelovao je na seminarima brojnih udaraljkaša, poput Conrada Moye, Francisca Inglésa, Juanja Guilléna, Filipa Merčepa, Ivane Bilić i Saveria Tasce te na udaraljkaškim festivalima poput “Ivana’s Summer Percussion Festival” 2023. i IPEW 2024. u Bjelovaru.Godine 2023. osvojio je treću nagradu na Međunarodnom udaraljkaškom natjecanju u Halleinu, a u listopadu iste godine sudjelovao je u projektu Erasmus+ COM. PER. EL. u Padovi, Italija, kao član tima Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu.

was born in Alcázar de San Juan 1999, Spain. There he started to play percussion at 9 years old at the town’s music school. There in Spain with a huge number of wind orcehstra, collaborating one time with “Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Albacete”. After finish his bachelor studies at “Conservatorio de Música Superior de Castilla- La Mancha” where he worked with Miguel Ángel Orero García, Miguel Ángel López – Valero and Manuel López – Valero he came to Croatia last year to study at  University of Music of Zagreb on the Igor Lešnik class and his assistant Luis Camacho.

Currently he’s on 5th year of Master degree studies. Already at Zagreb he has performed with Radio Television Orchestra, the BiNg BaNg percussion ensemble of the academy and the Zagreb Chamber Music Orchestra. He has attended seminars of several percussionist such as Conrado Moya, Francisco Inglés, Juanjo Guillén, Filip Merčep,, Ivana Bilić and Saverio Tasca, and percussion festivals like  Ivana’s Summer Percussion Festival 2023” and IPEW 2024 in Bjelovar. On 2023 he won 3rd prize at International Percussion Competition in Hallein and on October  was part of the Erasmus+ project COM. PER. EL. in Padova, Italy as part of Zagreb University of Music team. 


MDW PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE pod vodstvom Davida Christophera Panzla predstavlja Odsjek za udaraljke Sveučilišta za glazbu i izvedbene umjetnosti u Beču. Osnovan 2012. godine, ovaj je ansambl već nastupio na brojnim nacionalnim i međunarodnim koncertima na raznim događanjima. Najvažniji nastupi uključuju Koncertnu kuću u Beču, bečki Musikverein, SIRD u Ateni i Carinthia Tattoo. Ansambl je sudjelovao i u produkciji glazbenog videa s južnoafričkim ansamblom MIAGI, čime su srušene granice ne samo između glazbenih žanrova već i kulturnih razlika. Raznoliki glazbeni profil ansambla kreće se između suvremene udaraljkaške glazbe, jazza i klasike.

lead by David Christopher Panzl represents the percussion department of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Founded in 2012 this ensemble has already performed many national and international concerts at numerous events. Most importantly at the concert house Vienna, the Musikverein Vienna, SIRD Athen and the Carinthia Tattoo. The ensemble also participated in a music video production with the South African MIAGI ensemble, breaking down boundaries not only between music genres but also cultural differences. The ensembles colorful music profile changes between contemporary percusion music, jazz and classic.


DAVID CHRISTOPHER PANZL austrijski je multiudaraljkaš rođen u Salzburgu, a svoje obrazovanje na udaraljkama započeo je s četiri godine pod mentorstvom Martina Grubingera starijeg. Svoj prvi solo koncert održao je s 13 godina uz Filharmonijski orkestar Reichenhall. Tijekom školovanja više puta je putovao u New York kako bi proučavao jazz. Panzl se kasnije preselio u Beč kako bi završio studij koncertnih udaraljki kod profesora Josefa Gumpingera na Privatnom sveučilištu Konzervatorija u Beču. Magistarski studij završio je s najvišim ocjenama 2013. godine pod vodstvom Antona Mittermayra. Marimbu je usavršavao u Tokiju na Glazbenoj školi Toho Gakuen kod Keiko Abe. Trenutno je viši predavač koncertnih udaraljki na Sveučilištu za glazbu i izvedbene umjetnosti u Beču.

Tijekom svoje karijere surađivao je s orkestrima poput Radijskog simfonijskog orkestra iz Beča, orkestra Bečke državne opere, Mozarteum-orkestra iz Salzburga te Konzerthaus Orchestra iz Berlina. Kao solist, David Christopher Panzl nastupao je u dvoranama poput Suntory Halla u Tokiju, Seoul Art Centra, Bečkog Konzerthausa te na svečanom otvaranju Salzburškog glazbenog festivala. Suradivao je s izuzetnim umjetnicima kao što su Keiko Abe, Nebojša Živković, Jeff Queen, Tim Collins i HK Gruber. Također je nastupao kao solist s Nürnbergškim simfonijskim orkestrom, Innsbruškim simfonijskim orkestrom, Filharmonijskim orkestrom Reichenhall, Sarajevskom filharmonijom, Simfonijskim puhačkim orkestrom iz Salzburga te Njemačkim komornim orkestrom iz Berlina. Izvodio je svjetske praizvedbe skladatelja poput Keiko Abe, Shih, Johannesa Motschmanna, Jorgea Sancheza Chionga, Enjotta Schneidera i J. Petera Koenea.

David C. Panzl sudjeluje kao član žirija na međunarodnim natjecanjima i održava majstorske radionice diljem svijeta. Njegova djela objavljuju Doblinger Vienna i Pulsa Musica USA. Snimke Davida C. Panzla nalaze se na izdavačkim kućama Paraty Records (Harmonia Mundi), Wergo (Schott Music), Edel Records Germany. Podržava Yamaha-u, Vic Firth, Zildjian, Mike Balter i Loyal Drums.

is an Austrian multi-percussionist who was born in Salzburg and began his percussion training at the age of four under the tutelage Martin Grubinger senior. He performed his first solo concerto at the age of 13 with the Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra. During his school days he travelled to New York several times in order to study jazz. Panzl then moved to Vienna to complete his studies as a concert percussionist with Professor Josef Gumpinger at the Conservatory of Vienna Private University, where he then completed his Master of Arts degree with top honours in 2013, studying with Anton Mittermayr. Lastly, he studied Marimba in Tokyo at the Toho Gakuen School of Music under Keiko Abe. He is currently senior lecturer for concert percussion at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. 

Concert opportunities developed with such orchestras as the Radio Symphony Orchestra of Vienna, the orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, the Mozarteum-Orchester Salzburg and the Konzerthaus Orchester Berlin. As a soloist David Christopher Panzl has performed at the Suntory Hall Tokyo, the Seoul Art Center, the Vienna Konzerthaus and at the opening festivities of the Salzburg Music Festival. He has collaborated with exceptional artists such as Keiko Abe, Nebojsa Zivkovic, Jeff Queen, Tim Collins and HK Gruber. In addition, he also has performed solo concertos with the Nürnberg Symphony Orchestra, Innsbruck Symphony, Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra, the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphonic Wind Orchestra of Salzburg and the German Chamber Orchestra Berlin. He has played world premieres of the composers Keiko Abe, Shih, Johannes Motschmann, Jorge Sanchez Chiong, Enjott Schneider and J. Peter Koene. 

David C. Panzl judges in international competitions and leads master classes worldwide. His works are published by Doblinger Vienna and Pulsa Musica USA. He appears with Paraty Records (Harmonia Mundi), Wergo (Schott Music) Edel Records Germany, endorses Yamaha, Vic Firth, Zildjian, Mike Balter and Loyal Drums.


KAI STROBEL & PERCUSSION GROUP CONSERVATORIO LUGANO Od kada je Kai Strobel 2022. godine imenovan glavnim profesorom na Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, vodi klasu udaraljki prema rigoroznom programu usmjerenom na eksperimentalnu i suvremenu glazbu te delikatne izvedbene aspekte komorne glazbe. Uključeni u umjetničku scenu južne Švicarske, studenti redovito nastupaju u koncertnoj dvorani LAC i na radijskoj pos-taji RSI u Luganu, održavajući koncerte uživo koji se emitiraju i surađujući s dirigentima poput Christopha Königa, Francesca Angelica i Markusa Poschnera. Nedavni nastupi uključivali su djela Luciana Berija, Györgya Ligetija i Niccolòa Castiglionija.

Udaraljkaški program za IPEW 2025. fokusira se na djela skladatelja 20. stoljeća poput Johna Cagea, Tōrua Takemitsua i Johna Luthera Adamsa, istražujući razne aspekte sviranja komorne glazbe: od glazbene kreacije uz korištenje predmeta, preko elementa teatralnosti, do dubljeg razumijevanja prirode i njezine avangardne glazbene interpretacije.

LUGANO Since Kai Strobel’s appointment as principal professor at the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana in 2022, he has led the percussion class on a rigorous course in experimental and contemporary music and the delicate performative aspects of chamber music. Embedded in the artistic scene of southern Switzerland, students regularly perform at the LAC Concert Hall and Lugano’s RSI radio station, giving broadcasted concerts and working with conductors such as Christoph König, Francesco Angelico and Markus Poschner, among others. Recent performances have included works by Luciano Berio, György Ligeti and Niccolò Castiglioni. 

The percussion programme for IPEW 2025 focuses on works by 20th-century composers such as John Cage, Tōru Takemitsu and John Luther Adams, using various aspects of chamber music playing: From musical creation from objects, to the element of theatricality, to a deeper understanding of nature and its avant-garde musical translation.


KAI STROBEL osvojio je 1. mjesto i nagradu publike na 68. ARD glazbenom natjecanju 2019. godine. Kao solist, ovaj udaraljkaš rođen 1992. godine nastupao je s Bavarskim radijskim simfonijskim orkestrom, Filharmonijskim orkestrom hanzeatskog grada Lübecka, Nürnberškim simfonijskim orkestrom, Filharmonijskim orkestrom Stuttgarta, Orkestrom Tonkünstler iz Donje Austrije, Simfonijskim orkestrom Vallès, Berlinskim simfonijskim orkestrom, Asko | Schönberg orkestrom iz Amsterdama, Collegium Musicum Basel, Simfonijskim orkestrom Bilkent i Državnim simfonijskim orkestrom kapele iz Sankt-Peterburga, među ostalima.

Strobel je stipendist zaklade Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben, Njemačkog glazbenog natjecanja te dobitnik priznanja na Međunarodnoj ljetnoj akademiji Mozarteum. Kao traženi komorni glazbenik, snimio je brojne CD-ove, uključujući one s Wave Marimba Quartetom i argentinskim bandoneonistom Omarom Massom. Njegov najnoviji CD Neotango Episodes nominiran je šest puta za nagradu Opus Klassik.

Od 2022. godine Kai Strobel imenovan je profesorom na Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana u Luganu te gostujućim međunarodnim profesorom na RNCM-u u Manches italiana u Luganu te gostujućim međunarodnim profesorom na RNCM-u u Manchesteru. Kao predavač, redovito održava majstorske tečajeve na institucijama kao što su Akademija Ferenc Liszt (Budimpešta), Eastman School of Music (Rochester), Sveučilište za glazbu i kazalište Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Leipzig), Mt. San Antonio College (Los Angeles) i Leeds Conservatoire.

U suradnji sa svojim bratom i partnerom u komornoj glazbi Marcom Strobelom, pokrenuo je Boum Percussion Academy, glazbenu radionicu za mlade studente iz cijelog svijeta koja se od 2021. godine održava svake godine u regiji njihova rodnog grada, Stuttgarta u Njemačkoj.

is 1st place winner and recipient of the audience award at the 68th ARD Music Competition 2019. As a soloist, the 1992 born percussionist has performed with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Hanseatic City of Lubeck, the Nuremberg Symphonic Orchestra, the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tonkünstler Orchester Niederösterreich, the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra, the Asko | Schönberg Orchestra Amsterdam, the Musicum Collegium Basel, the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra and the St. Petersburg State Capella Symphony Orchestra, among others.

He is a scholarship recipient of the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben, the German Music Competition, and an honoree of the Mozarteum International Summer Academy. As a sought-after chamber musician, he has recorded numerous CDs, including with the Wave Marimba Quartet and Argentinian bandoneonist Omar Massa. His latest CD Neotango Episodes was nominated six times for the Opus Klassik award.

Since 2022 Kai Strobel has been appointed Professor at the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana in Lugano and is the International Visiting Professor at the RNCM Manchester. As a lecturer, Kai holds regular Masterclasses at places such as the Ferenc Liszt Academy (Budapest), Eastman School of Music (Rochester), University für Music und Theatre Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Leipzig), Mt San Antonio College (Los Angeles) and Leeds Conservatoire.

In collaboration with his chamber music partner and brother Marc Strobel, he initialized the Boum Percussion Academy, a Music Workshop for young students from all around the world, which has taken place since 2021 every year in the region of their Hometown, Stuttgart/ Germany. 


PEI-CHING WU & JU PERCUSSION GROUP je međunarodno priznata tajvanska marimbistica poznata po pionirskim tehnikama sviranja s šest palica. Od 1994. godine razvila je jedinstveni “Peiching Grip”, transformirajući izvedbu na marimbi i postavši prva tajvanska glazbenica koja nastupa sa šest palica. Kao osnivačica i bivša glavna udaraljkašica Ju Percussion Group, značajno je utjecala na umjetnički smjer grupe, nastupajući kao solistica u mnogim ključnim produkcijama.

Wu je također posvećena pedagoginja i redovna profesorica na Nacionalnom sveučilištu umjetnosti u Taipeiju, gdje mentorira novu generaciju udaraljkaša, usredotočujući se na tehničku izvrsnost i osobni izraz. Njezina nedavna knjiga, Performing with Six Mallets on Marimba – Exploration and Breakthroughs of “Peiching Grip”, objavljena u prosincu 2024., pruža vrijedne uvide u njezine tehnike sviranja sa šest palica. Kroz svoje nastupe, podučavanje i istraživanja, Wu nastavlja ostavljati trajan utjecaj na globalnu zajednicu udaraljkaša.

is an internationally acclaimed Taiwanese marimbist known for her pioneering six-mallet techniques. Since 1994, she has developed the unique “Peiching Grip,” transforming marimba performance and becoming the first Taiwanese musician to perform with six mallets. As a founding member and former principal percussionist of Ju Percussion Group, she has significantly influenced the group’s artistic direction, performing as a soloist in many landmark productions.

Wu is also a dedicated educator and full-time professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts, where she mentors the next generation of percussionists, focusing on both technical mastery and personal expression. Her recent book, Performing with Six Mallets on Marimba – Exploration and Breakthroughs of “Peiching Grip”, published in December 2024, provides valuable insights into her six-mallet techniques. Through her performances, teaching, and research, Wu continues to leave a lasting impact on the global percussion community.


LUIS CAMACHO MONTEALEGRE rođen je 1994. godine u Španjolskoj (Alcázar de San Juan). Glazbeno je obrazovanje počeo u dobi od šest godina. Maturirao je na glazbenom konzervatoriju Alcázar de San Juan, osvojivši posebne počasti kao udaraljkaš. Nastavio se razvijati na Konzervatoriju Manuel Masotti Littel, gdje je uspješno završio preddiplomski studij u razredu Juanfraa Carrilla. U tom razdoblju osvojio je prvu nagradu u kategoriji Edeta na međunarodnome udaraljkaškom natjecanju Perkulliria. Tijekom diplomskog studija nastupio je kao solist u koncertu za marimbu Water Sculpture Igora Lešnika, koji je izveo uz pratnju gudačkog orkestra zagrebačke Muzičke akademije u Puli, Bjelovaru, Zagrebu i Čakovcu. U siječnju 2018. godine nagrađen je Dekanovom nagradom Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu.  U sklopu koncerta Rhythm-o-phonia održanog 2019. godine u koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog nastupio je kao solist uz pratnju Simfonijskog orkestra zagrebačke Muzičke akademije sa skladbom Koncert za Ivanu kompozitora Igora Kuljerića. Iste godine osvojio je prvu nagradu na međunarodnom udaraljkaškom natjecanju Rhythm-o-phonia. Diplomski studij udaraljki završava 2019. godine, u razredu red.prof.art. Igora Lešnika, radeći istovremeno s izv.prof.art. Ivane Kuljerić Bilić. Dobitnik je druge nagrade na natjecanju za klavijaturne udaraljke Percute koje se održalo na kraju 2021. godine. Aktivan je kao komorni glazbenik (Synchronos Ensemble, Novalis festival).

Osnovao je Flam-a Duo s kolegom Francescom Mazzolenijem. Iako su u početku uglavnom bili usredotočeni na repertoar za marimbe i osvojili druge nagrade na natje- canjima IV Percute – natjecanje komorne glazbe 2016 u Valenciji i Universal Marimba Competition u Belgiji 2017. godine, danas je njihov interes širok i proteže se na sve vrste udaraljki. Objavili su prvi CD pod imenom Preludes and Fugues u izdanju Croatia Records 2022. godine. Također je član udaraljkaškog ansambla Percussion Club koji je nastupio na svečanom otvorenju 72. Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara te na PASIC-u 2023. godine. Na ansamblu surađuje s Ivanom Kuljerić Bilić, Nikolom Krbanjevićem te Francescom Mazzolenijem.

Trenutno je zaposlen kao Lešnikov asistent na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu te re- dovito surađuje sa Simfonijskim orkestrom HRT-a.

was born in 1994 in Spain (Alcázar de San Juan). He started his music education at the age of six. He finished his high school studies at Alcázar de San Juan Conservatory of Music. He continued to develop at the Manuel Massotti Littel Conservatory, where he successfully completed his Bachelor studies in Juanfra Carrillo’s class, obtaining special award for his Bachelor recital. During this period he won the first prize in the category of Edeta at the Perkulliria International Percussion Competition. In 2016, he starts his activity with Flam-a Duo, a percussion duo with Francesco Mazzoleni. Flam-a Duo has won two Second Prizes: in IV Percute Chamber Music Competition in 2016 and in the Universal Marimba Competition celebrated in Belgium in 2017. During his master studies, he performed Igor Lesnik’s marimba concerto “Water Sculpture”, with the accompaniment of the Zagreb Music Academy String Orchestra in several Croatian concert halls. In January 2018, he was awarded the Dean’s Award by the Zagreb Academy of Music. As a part of the Rhythm-o-phonia concert held in 2019 in the concert hall of Vatroslav Lisinski, he performed “Concerto for Ivana” by Igor Kuljerić as a soloist, accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of the Zagreb Academy of Music. In the same year, he finished his Master studies under the mentorship of prof. Igor Lesnik and won the first prize at the International Rhythm-o-phonia Percussion Competition. During his master studies, he also works continuously with prof. Ivana Kuljerić. 

He founded the Flam Duo with his colleague Francesco Mazzoleni. Although they initially focused mainly on marimba repertoire and won second prizes at the IV Percute Chamber Music Competition 2016 in Valencia and the Universal Marimba Competition in Belgium in 2017, today their interest is broad and extends to all types of percussion. They released their first CD under the name Preludes and Fugues, published by Croatia Records in 2022.

He is also a member of the percussion ensemble Percussion Club, which performed at the opening ceremony of the 72nd Dubrovnik Summer Festival and at PASIC 2023. In the ensemble, he collaborates with Ivana Kuljerić, Nikola Krbanjević and Francesco Mazzoleni.

He is currently employed as prof. Lešnik’s assistant at the Academy of Music in Zagreb and regularly collaborates with the HRT Symphony Orchestra and the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. 

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