Daniella Ganeva (United Kingdom)

Daniella Ganeva

United-KingdomShort biography:
Daniella Ganeva is considered being one of the finest marimba artists of our time. She performed in many major venues in Europe, the UK and the Americas and had also performed twice at the Percussive Arts Society’s (PAS)  International Convention in the USA. Daniella is regurarly broadcasted on TV and Radio stations around the world, including BBC and Classic FM.

Her solo and collaborative work has earned her a great deal of respect and critical acclaim from audiences and musicians worldwide, with many works dedicated or especially written for her. Constantly on a quest to bring the marimba to a broader audience, Daniella is equally at ease with contemporary music ensembles, dancers, music theatre and multimedia projects. Her concerto performances have been given under the direction of internationally acclaimed musicians, including Normunds Sne (Latvia), John Gibbons (UK), Michael Kibblewhite (UK), John Georgiadis (UK). Her duo work has involved many great artists, including Crispian Steele-Perkins, Ney Rosauro, Marimba Nandayapa, Eric Sammut, Paul Jackson, Jane Koster, and Simon Haram. Ensemble work includes Subway Piranhas, the Steve Martland Band, Crash Ensemble, Velvet Garden, David Le Page Ensemble and Framed Resonance. Of the various recordings she has been involved with it is her solo albums that have been hugely successful with ‘Time for Marimba’ regarded by many to be amongst the finest of this repertoire yet.

A dedicated educator and highly regarded teacher, Daniella directs the first Postgraduate Advanced Solo Marimba Studies Programme in London, at the Royal College of Music (www.rcm.ac.uk/marimba) and is much in demand with universities and colleges across Europe and the Americas for her inspirational master classes and performances. Daniella is the current President of The Percussive Arts Society Chapter for the UK and Ireland and  is regularly seen as a jury member on the panels of international competitions.
Visit her website: www.daniellaganeva.com

Daniella Ganeva (Velika Britanija)


CroatiaKratka biografija:

Daniella Ganeva smatra se najboljom umjetnicom našeg vremena na marimbi. Nastupala je na brojnim značajnim mjestima u Europi, Velikoj Britaniji i Sjevernoj i Južnoj Americi, te dva puta na međunarodnoj konvenciji “Percussive Arts Society” (PAS).

Svojom suradnjom s drugim glazbenicima, ali i solističkim radom stekla je poštovanje publike i kritike kao i drugih glazbenika širom svijeta koji su joj posvetili svoje skladbe ili napisali skladbe posebno za nju. Vođena željom da marimbu predstavi široj publici, podjednako lako koristi suvremene glazbene sastave, plesače, te multimedijske projekte. Svoje koncertne izvedbe ostvarila je pod vodstvom mnogih renomiranih glazbenika uključujući: Normunds Sne (Latvia), John Gibbons (VB), Michael Kibblewhite (VB), John Georgiadis (VB). Dua je ostvarila u suradnji s mnogim odličnim umjetnicima kao što su: Crispian Steele-Perkins, Ney Rosauro, Marimba Nandayapa, Eric Sammut, Paul Jackson, Jane Koster i Simon Haram. Surađivala je i s brojnim ansamblima kao: Subway Piranhas, The Steve Martland Band, Crash Ensemble, Velvet Garden, David Le Page Ensemble and Framed Resonance. Svoj najveći uspjeh doživjela je solo albumom pod naslovom “Time for Marimba”.

Kao predani i cijenjeni predavač, Daniella je voditelj prvog postdiplomskog studijskog programa za marimbu (Postgraduate Advanced Solo Marimba Studies Programme) u Londonu. Zbog svojih inspirativnih predavanja i koncerata, Daniella je traženi predavač na brojnim sveučilištima diljem Europe i Amerike. Trenutno je predsjednica udruženja The Percussive Arts Society Chapter i česta je članica žirija na međunarodnim natjecanjima.

Posjetite njezinu web stranicu: www.daniellaganeva.com

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec




GROUP LEADER: Israel Moreno


  • Roberto Hernández Soto
  • Roberto Carlos Palomeque Cruz
  • Keiko Kuraoka (Kotoku)
  • José Israel Moreno Vázquez

Short biography:
With the aim to spread and promote contemporary music for percussion, four of the most outstanding percussionists gathered their knowledge and talent and formed the group – Paax Percussion. Their idea to merge folk and contemporary music elements and also integrating its roots and virtues is what makes the group energetic and original. The quartet’s focus is primarily on mallet-keyboard instruments, like the different types of marimbas. They have a repertoire that encourages the public to enjoy the energy the percussion music can offer. The reasons that make this group attractive is their play of colours and rhythms.

Paax ensemble made a tour from 2010 to 2012, visiting over several cities in Japan, and in each visit they performed more than 10 concerts. In the year 2010, they invited famous marimba player Keiko Abe to be the honoured marimbist of the 1st Latin-American Marimba Competition that took place in Tuxla Gutierrez, Chiapas. After the success of the first competition, a 2nd was also held, but this time under the guidance of Ney Rosauro. Paax always perform at this competition, playing with other renowed artists like: Keiko Abe, Ney Rosauro, Katarzyna Mycka, Mayumi Hama, Makoto Aruga, Emmanuel Sejourne, Guillo Espel, Nanae Mimura etc.

The ensemble members are teachers from the School of Music (University of Science and Arts in Chiapas), and some are tireless promoters of classical and traditional music for marimba and percussion in the state of Chiapas, Mexico and the world.


VOĐA GRUPE: Israel Moreno


  • Roberto Hernández Soto
  • Roberto Carlos Palomeque Cruz
  • Keiko Kuraoka (Kotoku)
  • José Israel Moreno Vázquez

Kratka biografija:
S ciljem širenja i promoviranja suvremene glazbe za udaraljke, četiri izvanredna udaraljkaša skupila su svoje znanje i talent, te oformili sastav – Paax Percussion. Njihova ideja da spoje folklorne i suvremene glazbene elemente, te integriranje njihovih korjena i vrlina je ono što sastav čini energičnim i originalnim. Kvartet se prvenstveno fokusirao na razne tipove marimbi, dok je njihov repertoar osmišljen tako da publici omogući uživanje u svoj energiji koju udaraljke mogu dati. Ono što ovaj sastav čini toliko atraktivnim je njihova igra bojama i ritmovima.

Od 2010. do 2012. godine posjetili su nekoliko gradova u Japanu, gdje su u svakom posjetu odsvirali preko deset koncerata. 2010. godine pozvali su poznatu Keiko Abe kao gošću na prvo natjecanje Latin-American Marimba Competition u Tuxla Gutierrezu, Chiapas. Paax uvijek nastupaju na tom natjecanju u suradnji s drugim glazbenicima kao što su: Keiko Abe, Ney Rosauro, Katarzyna Mycka, Mayumi Hama, Makoto Aruga, Emmanuel Sejourne, Guillo Espel, Nanae Mimura, itd.

Članovi Paax percussion su profesori na sveučilištu (University of Science and Arts in Chiapas), a neki od njih su i promotori klasične i tradicionalne glazbe za marimbu i udaraljke u Chiapasu, Meksiku i svijetu.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

Tak-Nara Percussion Group (Spain)

Tak-Nara Percussion Group

Verónica Cagigao Bautista

Verónica Cagigao Bautista
Carlos Manuel Castañeda García

United-KingdomShort biography:

The young group Tak-Nara is considered as one of the most exciting ensembles in the current Spanish music scene. Their passion and love for music and energetic stage presence is what makes the group so youthful and fun, but entirely interesting to listent to. Since their debut in 2008, the group of young and passionate percussionists had been highly praised by the public, critics and artists such as the renowed percussionist N. J. Živković, who after hearing them live was delighted to accept a comission to compose the piece Tak-Nara for the group.

Tak-Nara had performed in concert halls throughout Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Serbia, Austria, Belgium and Italy. Their first CD was awarded the National Prize for Youth Creativity in 2011 (a prize awarded by the Spanish Government) after it was highly acclained by numerous critics.
– They won 2nd and the audience’s prizes in the Universal Marimba Competition in Belgium in 2011
– 2nd prize in the Chamber Music Competition Prize in the Chamber Music Competition “Premio de Música María Orán” in 2013

Since 2010 they are endorsing Adams Musical instruments, a company that is a manufacturer of precussion instruments (based in the Netherlands).



CroatiaKratka biografija:

Mladi sastav Tak-Nara smatra se jednim od najuzbudljivijih na trenutnoj Španjolskoj glazbenoj sceni. Njihova strast i ljubav prema glazbi i energičan scenski nastup ono je što sastav čini toliko svježim i zabavnim, ali interesantnim za slušati. Od svog debija 2008. godine ovaj sastav mladih i strastvenih udaraljkaša hvaljen je od strane publike, kritike, ali i umjetnika kao što je renomirani udaraljkaš N. J. Živković, koji je za njih, nakon što ih je čuo, sa zadovoljstvom prihvatio napisati skladbu.

Sastav Tak-Nara nastupao je u brojnim koncertnim dvoranama u Španjolskoj, Njemačkoj, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Austriji, Belgiji i Italiji. Njihov prvi CD osvojio je nagradu Španjolske vlade “National Prize for Youth Creativity” 2011. godine.
Osvojili su drugu i nagradu publike na natjecanju “Universal Marimba Competition” u Belgiji 2011. godine i drugu nagradu na natjecanju komorne glazbe “ Premio de Musica Maria Oran” 2013. Godine.

Od 2010. promotori su instrumenata kompanije Adams Musical Instruments.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

Percussion Ensemble Cultural Foundation Patagonia (Argentina)

– Ensamble de Percusión de la Fundación CulturalPatagonia


GROUP LEADER: Angel Frette


  • Javier Navarrete
  • Joaquín Pérez
  • Jerónimo Molina
  • Lisandro Parada

United-KingdomShort biography:
The Percussion ensemble was established in 1999 by Angel Frette with the idea to increase the chamber music repertoire for percussion. Ever since their establishment, their activity in the Patagonian Institute of Arts has developed, but also in most places like the provinces of Black River and Neuquén.
The ensemble started off with a concert which starred teachers and students of the class of Patagonian Percussion Institute of Arts (IUPA) like: William Moersch and Rebecca Kite (USA), Eduardo Gianisella (Brazil), Stuart Marrs (USA), Miguel Bernat and Ludwig Albert (Belgium), Amores Trio (Spain), Israel Moreno (Mexico), Anders Astrand, Angel Frette (Arg) Rich or Meara, Kevin Bobo, John Wooton (USA) etc.

In 2002 they made two appearances at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, also performed at the Festival of Arts in Palos Percussion I and II (Bs As), in the International Electroacoustic Music Festival (Neuquén) and in late 2006 at the Festival of Montevideo – Uruguay percussion.
From 2003 to this day they organise and participate in the Patagonian Internation Festival (anually held at the Patagonian Cultural Foundation.
In the last few years they have taken part in numerous international projects, the biggest being The Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC).



Angel FretteUnited-KingdomShort biography:

Angel Frette is a percussionist from Argentina who formed the Percussion Ensemble Cultural Foundation Patagonia. He studied percussion with John Ringer and later went on to perfect his skills in New York with William Moresch (in 1994 and 1995). He appeared as a marimba soloist in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Colombia, France, Mexico and the United States. He has also presented master classes and workshops at the University of Miami, University of Illinois and the University of Minnesota. Frette has performed eight world premiers of concertos for marimba and orchestra written exclusively by Argentine composers.

He held a concert tour with William Moresch in 2000 in Seville, Almeria, Alicante, Valencia and Madrid. In 2001 he performed with Amores Percussion group in Espiño and Braga (Portugal) and Valencia, and in 2002 as solo marimba Ribarroja, Zaragoza and Barcelona (Spain), and Philadelphia (USA). He was a jury member at the International Marimba Competition in Belgium (2001 and 2004), the First South American Marimba Competition in Brazil (2003) national competition marimba in Chiapas Mexico in 2006 and the International Marimba Competition in Fermo (Italy, 2008). He served as professor of percussion of the Youth Orchestra of the Americas , based in New England Conservatory, Boston (2002). He has performed in Paris Percussion Festival in Marimba Festival in Chiapas (Mexico, 2005 and 2006) and the Second International Percussion Festival Tamborimba in Cali (Colombia, 2009). 2012 made ​​a tour of five cities in Spain teaching Latin American music and concerts.

He has released five CD’s and currently directs the Patagonia Percussion Festival.


CroatiaKratka biografija:

Udaraljkaški ansambl osnovao je Angel Frette 1999. godine u želji da doprinese repertoaru komorne glezbe za udaraljke. Od njihovog osnutka, aktivnost u sklopu Instituta za umjetnost (Patagonian Institute of Arts) se razvijala i širina na provincije  Black River i Neuquen.
Ansambl je započeo koncertom studenata Instituta za umjetnost i profesora kao što su: William Moersch i Rebecca Kite (SAD), Eduardo Gianisella (Brazil), Stuart Marrs (SAD), Miguel Bernat i Ludwig Albert (Belgija), Amores Trio (Španjolska), Israel Moreno (Meksiko), Anders Astrand, Angel Frette (Argentina), Kevin Bobo, John Wooton (SAD) itd.

2002. godine dva puta su gostovali u Teatro Colon u Buenos Airesu, te na Festivalu umjetnosti (Festival of Arts) u Palos Verdesu i na festivalu u Neuquénu (International Electroacoustic Music Festival). 2006. nastupali su i na festivalu u Montevideu (Uruguay percussion).

Od 2003. do danas organiziraju i sudjeluju na festivalu Patagonian Internation Festival (kojeg jednom godišnje organizira Patagonian Cultural Foundation).

U zadnjih nekoliko godina sudjelovali su na brojnim međunarodnim projektima, od kojih je najznačajniji The Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC).

Angel Frette (Argentina)

CroatiaKratka biografija:

Angel Frette je argentinski udaraljkaš koji je oformio ansambl Percussion Ensemble Cultural Foundation Patagonia. Studirao je udaraljke kod Johna Ringera, te se usavršavao u New Yorku kod Williama Morescha (1994. i 1995.). Kao solist na marimbi nastupao je u Brazilu, Urugvaju, Čileu, Puerto Ricu, Španjolskoj, Portugalu, Belgiji, Hrvatskoj, Italiji, Kolumbiji, Meksiku i SAD-u. Također, držao je predavanja i radionice na Sveučilištima u Miamiu, Illinoisu i Minnesoti. Frette je izveo osam svjetskih premijera koncerata za marimbu i orkestar, isključivo argentinskih autora.

Održao je niz koncerata sa Williamom Moreschom 2000. godine u Seviili, Almeri, Alicanteu, Valenciji i Madridu. 2001. godine nastupao je sa sastavom Amores Percussion group u Espiñu i Bragi (Portugal) i Valenciji, a 2002. kao solist na marimbi u Ribaroji, Zaragozi i Barceloni (Španjolska). Bio je član žirija na natjecanjima u Belgiji 2001. i 2004. godine (International Marimba Competition), Brazilu 2003. godine (First South American Marimba Competition), Meksiku 2005. i 2006. godine, te Italiji 2008. (International Marimba Competition). Radio je kao profesor udaraljki u sklopu orkestra mladih u Bostonu 2002. Nastupao je na festivalima u Parizu (Paris Percussion Festiva), Chiapasu (Marimba Festival) i Caliu (Second International Percussion Festival Tamborimba). 2012. godine održao je koncerte u pet Španjolskih gradova, gdje je i poučavao latinoameričku glazbu.

Izdao je pet CD-a i voditelj je festivala Patagonia Percussion Festival.


Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

biNg bang

United-KingdomShort bio:
biNg bang has a relatively short but rich history. Under the artistic direction of Igor Lešnik ensemble is founded in 1999. in Zagreb, as a permanent ensemble of the Croatian Musical Youth. After only five years of intense activity and playing music, they became independent (2004).

biNg bang was declared the best student band in the world at the Percussive Arts Society competition in Nashville (USA). Of course, they got many awards in their country. The ensemble prize “Ivo Vuljević” as the best young ensemble in Croatia, and the Rector’s Award, University of Zagreb. biNg Bang performs as international band with best percussion students at the Zagreb Music Academy and laureates of various competitions. The ensemble has performed throughout the world, from European, Asian countries over the North and South America. biNg bang in these eight years hosted a great soloists and  conductors: Ney Rosauro and Fernando Hashimoto (Brazil), Jean Geoffroy (France), John Beck, Payton MacDonald and Michael Udow (USA), Angel Frette (Argentina), Albert Ludwig (Belgium)…

Their compact disc entitled “biNg bang plays lesnik” published for the American company Equilibrium achieved international success. They are preparing another CD with a program consisting of works by Croatian and foreign authors dedicated to this band.

Members of the ensemble are: Nikola Sinković, Tomi Spasevski, Luka Pešutić, Špela Mastnak, Boris Žuvela, Ivan Ježek, Milan Filić, Pavle Golubić, Filip Merčep, Renato Palatinuš, Fran Krsto Šercar.

Members of the ensemble are: Nikola Sinković, Tomi Spasevski, Luka Pešutić, Špela Mastnak, Boris Žuvela, Ivan Ježek, Milan Filić, Pavle Golubić, Filip Merčep, Renato Palatinuš, Fran Krsto Šercar.

Assistant art director: Božidar Rebić

Sponsor: Muzička akademija Zagreb


CroatiaKratka biografija:
biNg bang ima relativno kratku, ali bogatu povijest. Pod umjetničkim vodstvom Igora Lešnika zagrebački ansambl osnovan je 1999. godine kao stalni ansambl Hrvatske glazbene mladeži. Nakon samo pet godina djelovanja i intenzivnog muziciranja, a zatim i osamostaljenja (2004.) biNg bang je proglašen najboljim studentskim sastavom na svijetu na natjecanju Percussive Arts Society u Nashvilleu (USA). Dakako, priznanja nisu izostala u matičnoj zemlji, pa je tako ansambl dobitnik nagrade Ivo Vuljević kao najbolji mladi ansambl u Hrvatskoj, te Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

biNg Bang muzicira i u međunarodnoj postavi koju čine najbolji studenti udaraljki zagrebačke Muzičke akademije i laureati s različitih natjecanja. Ansambl je gostovao diljem svijeta, od europskih, preko azijskih zemalja do Sjeverne i Južne Amerike. biNg bang je u ovih osam godina ugostio sjajne soliste i/ili dirigente: Ney Rosauro i Fernando Hashimoto (Brazil); Jean Geoffroy (Francuska); John Beck, Payton MacDonald i Michael Udow (SAD); Angel Frette (Argentina); Ludwig Albert (Belgija)…
Njihov nosač zvuka naslovljen “biNg bang plays lešnik” objavljen za američku tvrtku Equilibrium postigao je međunarodni uspjeh, a u pripremi je još jedan s programom sastavljenim od djela hrvatskih i inozemnih autora posvećenih ovome sastavu.

Članovi ansambla su: Nikola Sinković, Tomi Spasevski, Luka Pešutić, Špela Mastnak, Boris Žuvela, Ivan Ježek, Milan Filić, Pavle Golubić, Filip Merčep, Renato Palatinuš, Fran Krsto Šercar.

Pomoćnij umjetničkog direktora: Božidar Rebić

Sponzor: Muzička akademija Zagreb

Igor Lešnik Croatia)

igor lesnik

United-KingdomShort bio:
Igor Lesnik (b. in Zagreb, Croatia on 23. February 1956) is one of the leading percussionists of the generation. His compositions are part of concert programs of renowned soloists and ensembles as well as percussion competitions. His collaborations with famous colleagues, his rich collection of recordings and his international concert activities introduced Croatian percussion music to the world. Since 1984 he leads the Croatian Radio Symphony orchestra percussion section and since 1990 Igor has organized international percussion events. As founder of the percussion department at the Music Academy in Zagreb, he is regular guest at renowned universities and his percussion articles have been published in a wide variety of magazines. Professor Lesnik is the president of the Croatian Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society. He has received several awards for his artistic achievements at home and in 2003 was awarded French knighthood title for accomplishments in arts and literature.

CroatiaKratka biografija:
Igor Lešnik (rođen u Zagrebu, Hrvatska 23. veljače 1956), jedan od vodećih udaraljkaša u generaciji. Njegove skladbe dio su koncertnih programa renomiranih solista i ansambala, a također i natjecanja. Njegova suradnja s poznatim glazbenicima, njegova bogata kolekcija snimki i njegova međunarodna koncertna aktivnost predstavila je hrvatrsku udaraljkašku glazbu svijetu. Od 1984. Vodi udaraljkašku sekciju Hrvatskog radijskog simfonijskog orkestra, a od 1990. Organizira međunarodna perkusionistička događanja. Kao osnivač udaraljkaškog odjela na Muzičkoj Akademiji u Zagrebu, on je redovit gost renomiranih univerziteta, a njegovi članci publicirana su u mnogobrojnim magazinima. Profesor Lešnik predsjednik je hrvatskog dijela udruge “Percussive Arts Society”. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada za svoja postignuća u Hrvatskoj, a 2003. nagrađen je titulom Francuskog viteškog reda koja se dodjeljkje za postignuća na polju umjetnosti i književnosti.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatko Subotičanec


Božidar Rebić (Croatia)

United-KingdomShort biography:
Božidar Rebić graduated Percussion at the Music Academy in Zagreb mentored by professor Igor Lešnik. During and after studying he attended numerous seminars by prominent international artists and educators like: Jean Geoffroy, Dobri Paliev, Michael Skiner, Evelyn Glennie and many other greats.

He performed with leading Croatian orchestras and chamber groups and renowned conductors, such as: Croatian Radio – Television Symphony Orchestra, Zagreb Philharmonic, Zagreb Soloist Chamber Ensemble, Croatian Baroque Ensemble, to name only few. For 15 years he worked as a percussion teacher at Music School „Dr. Pavao Markovac“ and now teaches chamber music, percussion ensemble, orchestral percussion parts and percussion history at Zagreb Music Academy and plays the solo timpani in the Croatian Army Orchestra.

CroatiaKratka biografija:
Božidar Rebić diplomirao je udaraljke na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu pod mentorstvom profesora Igora Lešnika. Tijekom i nakon studija pohađao je brojne seminare istaknutih međunarodnih umjetnika i predavača kao što su Jean Geoffroy, Dobri Paliev, Michael Skiner, Evelyn Glennie i mnogi drugi.

Nastupao je sa vodećim hrvatskim orkestrima, komornim sastavima, te renomiranim dirigentima kao što su:  Simfonijski orkestar Hrvatske radiotelevizije, Zagrebačka filharmonija, Zagrebački solisti, Hrvatski barokni ansambl. Petnaest godina radio je kao profesor udaraljki u glazbenoj školi Pavao Markovac, a sada predaje komornu glazbu, ansambl udaraljki i orkestralne dionice udaraljki na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

Dani Bošnjak (Croatia)

United-KingdomShort biography:
Dani Bošnjak earned his master’s degree in flute at the Academy of Music in Zagreb. He continued his path by taking interest in old instruments and other relatives of his favourite instrument, the flute. That made Bošnjak an artist of the old flute (flauto traverso and piccolo). His interest in Early music resulted in a commitment with the Croatian Barogue Ensemble, specialised in historical performances.

Bošnjak is a regular contributor at several renowed ensembles like the Varaždin and Croatian chamber orchestras. The versitality of Dani Bošnjak that can be seen in early, but also in contemporary music, led him to discover the fields such as jazz and latino music.

CroatiaKratka biografija:
Dani Bošnjak magistrirao je flautu na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Svoj put nastavlja istraživanjem starih instrumenata i ostalih srodnika flaute, te je tako Bošnjak instrumentalist na staroj flauti tzv. flauto traverso te piccolu. Njegov interes za ranu glazbu rezultirao je angažmanom u Hrvatskom baroknom ansamblu, specijaliziranom za povijesno vjernu interpretaciju. Stalni je suradnik nekoliko nekoliko renomiranih ansambala poput Varaždinskog i Hrvatskog komornog orkestra, zagrebačke Opere, a osobito ističe članstvo u Zagrebačkom puhačkom ansamblu, s kojim čini jezgru Cantus Ansambla, institucije za promicanje hrvatske suvremene glazbe.

Svestranost Danija Bošnjaka koja se ogleda u okretanju ranoj, ali i suvremenoj glazbi, odvela ga je i u područje jazz i latino glazbe.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

Jasen Chelfi

Jasen ChelfiUnited-KingdomShort biography:
Jasen Chelfi studied cello at the Academy of Music in Zagreb from 1997 when he was under the guidance of prof. Nikola Ružević until 2001 when he finished his studies under the guidance of prof. Andrej Petrač. During his musical education he collaborated with Valter Dešpalj, Ralph Kirschbaum, Steven Isselis, Silvia Sondeckine, David Gregorijan, Vladimir Perlino, Lesli Parnas, Phillip Muller and Boris Pergamenchir and is currently perfecting his skills with prof. Mario Brunell.

From 2002., he’s a member of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, firstly as a replacement of the lead cellist, and in the last two years he became the lead cellist. With the Philharmonic Orchestra from Zagreb and as a solo artist he performed in places like  Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna, Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Tokyo Opera, Opera in Mexico City, Konzerthaus in Luzern, Mozartteum in Salzburg and many more. As a soloist and chamber musician, he has been granted numerous awards.

CroatiaKratka biografija:
Jasen Chelfi studirao je violončelo na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu od 1997. kod profesora Nikole Ruževića do 2001. kada je kod profesora Andreja Petrača završio studij. Tijekom svog glazbenog obrazovanja surađivao je sa brojnim umjetnicima kao što su Valter Dešpalj, Ralph Kirschbaum, Steven Isselis, Silvia Sondeckine, David Gregorijan, Vladimir Perlino, Lesli Parnas, Phillip Muller i Boris Pergamenchir, a trenutno je na usavršavanju kod profesora Maria Brunella.

Od 2002. član je Zagrebačke filharmonije, isprva kao zamjenik vođe dionice violončela, a u zadnje dvije godine kao prvo violončelo. S Filharmonijom i kao solist nastupao je u dvoranama kao što su Musikverein i Konzerthaus u Beču, Gewandhaus u Laipzeigu, Tokyo Opera, Opera u Mexico Cityju, Konzerthaus u Luzernu, Mozatrteum u Salsburgu te mnogim drugima. Kao komorni i solistički glazbenik dobitnik je brojnih nagrada.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

Bjelovar Brass Ensamble & Music School Percussion Ensemble


  • Fran Đerđ
  • Daniel Majbaum
  • Martin Čuković
  • Petar Zgonjanin



  • Lalita Tasić
  • Gabrijel Sabolović
  • Inga Abramović
  • Ivor Horvatić


Tenor trombones:

  • Ivan Gužvinac
  • Karlo Ranogajec


Bass trombone:

  • Renato Srdić



  • Hrvoje Kurtanjek


  • Dominik Šabić



  • Borna Brekalo
  • Luka Mihajlović
  • Fran Šostar
  • Dominik Šabić


Trombone, tuba, baritone:

  • Hrvoje Kurtanjek

artistic directors: Pavao Golubić, Zlatko Strčić

Zlatko Strčić


Short biography:
Zlatko Strčić gained his music education in Bjelovar and at the Academy of Music in Zagreb under the class of prof. M. Fuchs. From 1992 to 1995 he went on to perfect his skills at the MHS in Graz under the guidance of dr. E. Kleinschuster and mr. W. Messner. From 1981 he was a teacher of brass instruments and led several chamber ensembles of the music school in Bjelovar, and the Bjelovar big band (after numerous breaks between 1988 and 1992,and again from 1999). He’s the co-founder of the Bjelovar brass ensemble (with whom he won 1st prize in Göteborg 1992 and 3rd prize in Torino 1990)  and the Sigma jazz band.

From 1993 to 1998 he was a solo euphonist and trombonist of the Croatian Army Symphonic Wind Orchestra HV and Big Band of the Croatian Army Symphonic Wind Orchestra in Zagreb, and later also for Big Band HRT (Croatian Radio and Television), member of the chamber group SlowCar Slides, and a host of the Zagreb brass ensemble.

In the same period, he worked with Varaždin’s Dixieland band, Swing Again, Cubismo, Ritmo loco and Paganini band. He’s the co-founder of the Swingers, he led town orchestras in Samobor and Sisak and frequentry plays with the City Theatre “Komedija” in Zagreb.

He was a member of the European Big Band  during the Euroradio 2000 project – Big band EBU Bergen (N) 2000., and from 2003 became a conductor for Hirschau (Germany). As an independent musician he worked as a trombone, euphony and tuba teacher in music schools and orchestras in the Oberpfalz region, then as one of the jury members at the NBMB in the same region (Oberpfalz).

He performed solo, with brass ensembles, bigger and smaller (mostly jazz) bands with the Regensburg Symphony. During the two and a half decades he has attended numerous music workshops and festivals throughout the European continent, made recordings on twenty albums, as well as in the archives of HRT, ORF, BR, NDR.

From 2008. he’s a teacher of the music school “Vatroslav Lisinski” in Bjelovar.

Kratka biografija:

Zlatko Strčić glazbeno je obrazovanje stekao u Bjelovaru i na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. M. Fuchsa. Od 1992. do 1995. usavršavao se na MHS u Grazu kod dr. E. Kleinschustera i mr. W. Messnera. Od 1981. učitelj je limenih puhačkih instrumenata i voditelj komornih ansambala u bjelovarskoj glazbenoj školi, te u razdoblju 1988. do 1992. i nakon višegodišnjeg prekida, od 1999. Bjelovarskog big banda. Suosnivač je Bjelovarskog brass ansambla (s kojim osvaja I nagradu u Göteborgu 1992. i III nagradu u Torinu 1990.) i Sigma jazz banda.

Od 1993. do 1998. radio je kao solo eufonist i trombonist Simfonijskog puhačkog orkestra HV i Big banda HV u Zagrebu, a zatim i kao trombonist Big Banda HRT, član kvarteta SlowCar Slides, te voditelj ZG brass ansambla.

U istom razdoblju surađivao je s Varaždinskim dixieland bandom, Swing Again, Cubismo, Ritmo loco i Paganini bandom. Suosnivač je Swingersa, a vodio je i gradske orkestre Samobora i Siska. Honorarni je stalni član orkestra GK “Komedija”.

Bio je član europskog big banda u projektu Euroradio 2000 – Big band EBU Bergen (N) 2000., a od 2003. dirigent orkestra grada Hirschaua (Njemačka). U statusu samostalnog glazbenika radio je kao učitelj trombona, eufonija i tube pri glazbenim školama i orkestrima u regiji Oberpfalz, te kao član ocjenjivačkih sudova NBMB na području Oberpfalza.

Nastupao je solistički, s brass ansamblima, manjim i većim (uglavnom jazz) bandovima i s regensburškim sinfoničarima. Tijekom dva i pol desetljeća pohađao brojne glazbene radionice i festivale širom europskog kontinenta, ostvario snimke na dvadesetak nosača zvuka, kao i u arhivama HRT, ÖRF, BR, NDR.

Od 2008. učitelj je u glazbenoj školi Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar.

Obrada i prijevod: Zlatka Subotičanec, Petra Subotičanec

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