IPEW 2016

Križevci | Bjelovar | Varaždin





  • Josip Konfic (GŠ Alberta Štrige Križevci)
  • Pavle Golubić (GŠ Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar)
  • Stanislav Muškinja (GŠ Varaždin)


GŠ Alberta Štrige Križevci

  • Lovro Baričević
  • Robin Petić

GŠ Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar

  • Patrik Lovrić
  • Teo Udović
  • Luka Mihajlović
  • Borna Brekalo

GŠ Varaždin

  • Dominik Rušec
  • Mario Čavlek
  • Filip Soldat
  • Vedran Vujec
  • Suzana Komazin



Short bio:

Percussion department of “Music School Albert Štriga” in Križevci was founded in 2004 and today has 12 students and the best awards at the state level. Students who have so far won first prizes in national contests: 2008 Philip Špoljar, 2010. Jasmin Abou Aldan and DUO Domagoj Binder and Jasmin Abou Aldan, 2014. Štefan Đurković i Lovro Baričević. Since 2011, the “Percussionists evenings” is launched in Križevci, where eminent percussion soloists in Croatia, percussion ensembles and bands, young talented students of the Music Academy in Zagreb and students of secondary and primary schools from all over Croatian performing classic and popular percussion repertoire. Founder and head of the percussion department is Joseph Konfic, mag. art.

“Music School Vatroslav Lisinski Bjelovar” thirteenth time in a row is the proud host of IPEW, one of the greatest percussion festivals in the region. Percussion department was founded by Professor Igor Lesnik. After him, his students continue his work. Curently, they have 14 percussionists in primary and secondary music school. In the past three years, since Pavle Golubić is their professor, his students have won several prizes in national and international competitions in the disciplines of percussion-solo and chamber ensembles.

“Music School Varaždin” Percussion Ensemble was founded in 2013. Members of the ensemble of percussion students of secondary music school in Varazdin. The ensemble with whole-program concert performed in Križevci, Velenje, Murska Sobota, Zaboku and Cakovec. At the international competition “Giovanni Musicisti” in Treviso in April 2015 won the first prize and the “Internet Music Competition” second prize.



Kratka biografija:

Udaraljkaški odjel Glazbene škole Alberta Štrige u Križevcima osnovan je 2004. te danas broji 12 učenika i najviše nagrade na državnoj razini. Učenici koji su do sada osvojili prve nagrade na državnim natjecanjima: 2008. Filip Špoljar, 2010. Jasmin Abou Aldan te DUO Domagoj Binder i Jasmin Abou Aldan, 2014. Štefan Đurković i Lovro Baričević. Od 2011. godine pokrenute su Večeri udaraljkaša na kojima osim križevačkih udaraljkaša nastupaju eminentni udaraljkaši solisti u Hrvatskoj, udaraljkaški ansambli i sastavi, mladi talentirani studenti Muzičke Akademije u Zagrebu, te učenici srednjih i osnovnih škola iz cijele Hrvatske izvodeći klasičan i popularan udaraljkaški repetoar. Začetnik i voditelj udaraljkaškog odjela je Josip Konfic, mag. art.

Glazbena škola Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar već je trinaesti put zaredom ponosni domaćin IPEW-a, jednog od najvećih udaraljkaških festivala u regiji. Udaraljkaški odjel glazbene škole Vatroslava Lisinskog u Bjelovaru osnovao je profesor Igor Lešnik. Nakon njega u školi počinju raditi njegovi studenti. Odjel trenutno pohađa 14 udaraljkaša osnovne i srednje škole, a njihov profesor je Pavle Golubić. U protekle tri godine, koliko ovdje radi, njegovi učenici osvojili su nekoliko nagrada na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima u disciplinama udaraljke-solo i komornim sastavima.

Udaraljkaški ansambl Glazbene škole Varaždin osnovan je 2013., a članovi ansambla su učenici udaraljki srednje glazbene škole u Varaždinu. Ansambl je do sada s cijelovečernjim programom koncertno gostovao u Križevcima, Velenju, Murskoj Soboti, Zaboku i Čakovcu. Na međunarodnom natjecanju “Giovanni Musicisti” u Trevisu u travnju 2015. osvojili su prvu nagradu, a na “Internet Music Competition” drugu nagradu.





SPONSOR: Muzička akademija Zagreb


Rupert Čunko, Dominik Šabić, Marin Borščak, Šimun Matišić, Petar Pranjić, David Topić, Gregor Hrovat, Renato Palatinuš, Fran Krsto Šercar, Francesco Mazzoleni, Luis Camacho Montealegre

Božidar Rebić, Igor Lešnik, Mika Takehara



Short bio:

biNgbang – Percussion ensemble of the Zagreb Music Academy has a short but rich history. Under the artistic direction of Igor Lešnik ensemble was founded in 1999 as an ensemble of the Jeunesses Musicales Croatia. After five years of intense international activity they became independent in 2004.
biNgbang ensemble is laureate of many International and Croatian Music awards. In 2009 they won summa cum laude First prize of International competition in Belgium and in 2004 Percussive Arts Society International Convention in Nashville USA declared them the best student percussion ensemble in the world. Among Croatian prizes it is worth mentioning they received the prize “Ivo Vuljević” as the best young ensemble in Croatia and twice the Rector’s Award of the Zagreb University.

As an international ensemble consisting of best percussion students of the Zagreb Music Academy, biNgbang has performed worldwide: from Europe and Asia over to Americas. biNgbang also hosted many great international soloists like: Andy Narell, Dave Samuels, Art Lipner, Ney Rosauro, Jean Geoffroy John Beck, Angel Frette, Daniella Ganeva, Ludwig Albert…
Their compact disc entitled “biNgbang plays lesnik” published by the American company Equilibrium achieved considerable international success.



Kratka biografija:

biNgbang – udaraljkaški ansambl zagrebačke Muzičke akademije ima kratku, ali bogatu povijest. Pod umjetničkim vodstvom Igora Lešnika ansambl je osnovan 1999. godine kao ansambl Hrvatske glazbene mladeži. Nakon pet godina intenzivnog međunarodnog djelovanja postali su neovisni 2004. godine.
biNgbang Ansambl je laureat mnogih međunarodnih i hrvatskih glazbenih nagrada. U 2009. su osvojili summa cum laude prvu nagradu Međunarodnog natjecanja u Belgiji, a 2004. godine ih je prestižni Arts Society International Convention u Nashvilleu USA proglasio najboljim studentskim ansamblom u svijetu. Među hrvatskim nagradama valja spomenuti nagradu “Ivo Vuljević” za najbolji mladi ansambl u Hrvatskoj te dvije Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Ansambl se sastoji od najboljih studenata udaraljki zagrebačke Muzičke akademije. Nastupao je diljem svijeta, od Europe i Azije do Amerike. biNgbang je također ugostio mnoge velike međunarodne soliste kao što su: Andy Narell, Dave Samuels, Art Lipner, Ney Rosauro, Jean Geoffroy John Beck, Angel Frette, Daniella Ganeva, Ludwig Albert…
Njihov nosač zvuka pod nazivom “biNgbang plays Lešnik” objavljen za američku tvrtku Equilibrium postigao je međunarodni uspjeh.


Luis Camacho MontealegreLuis Camacho Montealegre
Luis Camacho Montealegre



Short bio:

Luis Camacho Montealegre born in Alcázar de San Juan, 1994. He studied at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Murcia, IES Maria Zambrano and IES Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

He works in the Joven Orquesta de Castilla – La Mancha (Youth Orchestra)



Kratka biografija:

Luis Camacho Montealegre rođen je 1994. u mjestu Alcázar de San Juan. Školovao se na Conservatorio Superior de Música de Murcia, IES Maria Zambrano i IES Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Zaposlen je u Joven Orquesta de Castilla – La Mancha (Orkestar mladih).


Šimun Matišić
Šimun Matišić



Short bio:

Simon Matišić, born in 1996 in Zagreb. He begins to learn percussions with Professor Bozidar Rebic. He gained additional professional education in seminars with many professors such as: Igor Lešnik, Ivana Bilić, Svet Stoyanov, Ludwig Albert, Lin Chin Cheng, Ney Rosauro, Xi Zhang, Nancy Zeltsman, Marta Klimasara, Emanuel Sejourne, Eric Sammut…

2011 he received an award “Judita” at the 57th Split Summer Festival to perform with guitarist Christian Escoudeom. He has won three awards in the B category as marimba percussionist at the international competition in Italy (Italy Percussion Arts Society)

Currently he is a student of the Music Academy in Zagreb, department: Percussion, in the class of professor Igor Lesnik.



Kratka biografija:

Šimun Matišić rođen je 1996. godine u Zagrebu. Udaraljke započinje učiti kod profesora Božidara Rebića, a usavršavao se na seminarima kod mnogih profesora kao što su: Igor Lešnik, Ivana Bilić, Svet Stoyanov, Ludwig Albert, Lin Chin Cheng, Ney Rosauro, Xi Zhang, Nancy Zeltsman, Marta Klimasara, Emanuel Sejourne, Eric Sammut…

2011. godine dobio je nagradu „Judita“ na 57. splitskom ljetu za nastup sa gitaristom Christianom Escoudeom.

Dobitnik je 3. nagrade u B kategoriji marimbe na međunarodnom natjecanju udaraljkaša u Italiji( Italy Percussion Arts Society)

Trenutno je student Muzičke akademije sveučilišta u Zagrebu, smjer: Udaraljke, u klasi profesora Igora Lešnika.


Hyeji Bak

Hyeji Bak



Short bio:

Hyeji Bak was born in 1991 in Daegu, South Korea. She attended Seoul National University and is now Studying percussion at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart where she presently lives.



Kratka biografija:

Hyeji Bak rođena je 1991. u mjestu Daegu, Južna Koreja. Pohađala je Seoul National University. Studira udaraljke na Musikhochschule Stuttgart gdje trenutno živi.


Krešimir Starčević
Krešimir Starčević



Short bio:

Krešimir Starčević (Zagreb, 1988.) started his music education at Franjo Lučić Art School in Velika Gorica in the class of Andeja Markulin. After that, he enrolles Academy of Music in Zagreb in the class of Đorđe Stanetti, where he graduated in 2013. He has spent the academic year 2012/2013 in the University of Applied Arts in Vienna as a part of the student exchange program Erasmus, in the class of Stefan Vladar. He has got many prizes in domestic and international piano competitions. The most significant of those are second prize at the Zlatko Grgošević Competition, first and second prizes at the Competition of music students, the award of the City of Samobor at the Ferdo Livadić Competition, two third prizes at the competitions of Dino Škrapić Foundation and Dean’s Award.

Since 2009 till 2014 he has participated in the organization of Cycle of Concerts Virtuoso, led by students of the University of Zagreb Music Academy. Since 2012 he is an on-going associate of Croatian Radio’s Educational Program. In the year of 2014 he has become the Artistic Director of Zagreb Summer Evenings Festival. He works with successful Croatian musicians like saxophonist Lovro Merčep, guitarist Srđan Bulat, violinists Marin Maras and Marco Graziani, cellists Latica Anić and Smiljan Mrčela, clarinetist Mihael Paar, percussionist Filip Merčep and trumpetist Vedran Kocelj. He has had a solo performance with the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra lead by maestro Saša Britvić, Croatian Radiotelevision’s Symphony Orchestra lead by maestro Pavle Dešpalj and Zagreb Music Academy’s Symphony Orchestra lead by maestro Mladen Tarbuk.



Kratka biografija:

Krešimir Starčević (Zagreb, 1988.) nakon završene Umjetničke škole Franje Lučića u Velikoj Gorici u razredu Andreje Markulin, upisuje Muzičku akademiju u Zagrebu u razredu Đorđa Stanettija, gdje je diplomirao 2013. godine. U sklopu programa studentske razmjene Erasmus, akademsku godinu 2012./2013. proveo je na Sveučilištu za glazbu i primijenjene umjetnosti u Beču u razredu Stefana Vladara. Dobitnik je niza nagrada na domaćim i međunarodnim natjecanjim, od kojih se ističu druga na Natjecanju Zlatko Grgošević, prve i druge na Natjecanjima učenika i studenata glazbe, Nagrada grada Samobora na natjecanju Ferdo Livadić, dvije treće nagrade na Natjecanjima Zaklade Dino Škrapić te Dekanova nagrada. Od 2009. do 2014. godine sudjelovao je u organizaciji i vođenju ciklusa koncerata studenata Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu Virtuoso, a od 2012. stalni je suradnik Obrazovnog programa Hrvatskog radija. Od 2014. godine umjetnički je voditelj Zagrebačkih ljetnih večeri. Surađuje s uspješnim hrvatskim glazbenicima kao što su saksofonist Lovro Merčep, gitarist Srđan Bulat, violinisti Marin Maras i Marco Graziani, violončelisti Latica Anić i Smiljan Mrčela, klarinetist Mihael Paar, udaraljkaš Filip Merčep i trubač Vedran Kocelj. Solistički je nastupio uz Zagrebačku filharmoniju i maestra Sašu Britvića, Simfonijski orkestar Hrvatske radiotelevizije i maestra Pavla Dešpalja te Simfonijski orkestar Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu i maestra Mladena Tarbuka.



Mika Takehara
Mika Takehara

SPONSOR(S): Royal College of Music in Stockholm.


  • Simon Halvarsson
  • Johannes Werner
  • Pau Vila
  • Mika Takehara



Short bio:

Mika Takehara is one of the most interesting percussion and marimba soloist of today with her sensitive musical style and dance like performances.

Mika Takehara has after making her debut as marimba soloist with the Kroumata Ensemble in 1998 and shortly afterwards performing at the International Percussion Event, organized in conjunction with Stockholm’s year as Cultural Capitol of Europe, established herself as a soloist, appearing frequently with concerts in Sweden, Japan and all over Europe.

Mika also plays with the Saito Kinen Orchestra and the Mito Chamber Orchestra under Maestro Seiji Ozawa.

Mika Takehara graduated Toho Gakuen college of Music in Tokyo Japan after percussion/ timpani studies for Prof. Yoshitaka Kobayashi, Kyoichi Sano and Akikuni Takahashi and marimba studies for the world famous marimba virtuoso Keiko Abe.

Mika received her Research Diploma at Toho Gakuen in 1997 and got invited by professor Anders Loguin at the Royal University College of Music in Stockholm to attend the college as a guest student. After four years of studies in Stockholm she graduated from the soloist diploma course with the highest honors in 2001, giving her diploma concert with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra.

In September 2009 Mika Takehara debut as soloist with the Berliner Philharmonic Orchestra under Maestro Gustavo Dudamel together with the group “Glorious Percussion” in Sofia Gubaidulina’s Percussion Concerto “Glorious Percussion” (from witch the group has taken their name). The piece was first performed together with the Gothenbourg Symphony Orchestra earlier under 2009 and she has since played with orchestras all over Europe such as Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Lucern Philharmonic Orchestra and Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Netherlands Radio Orchestra and Los Angels Philharmonic Orchestra etc.

Mika Takehara released a solo album “Thirteen Drums”,” Glorouous Percussion” from BIS Record.The Baron in the trees from Phono Suecia.

She is also Pearl and Sabian Artist.

Web: www.mika-takehara.se

At this occasion The Royal College of Music in Stockholm Percussion Ensemble consists of Pau Vila, Simon Halvarsson and Johannes Werner.

Pau Vila is studying his first year of Master in Chamber Music/Soloist. He completed his bachelor studies at the Conservatory of Illes Balears under the supervision of Armando Lorente, Philippe Spiesser and Juanjo Guillem.

Simon Halvarsson is studying the second year of Master in Chamber Music/Soloist. He received his bachelor’s degree from Örebro University where he amongst others studied for the marimba soloist Daniel Berg.

Johannes Werner is an exchange student at the Masters Program. Since 2010 he is studying percussion and contemporary music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart with Prof. Marta Klimasara, Prof. Klaus Dreher and Jürgen Spitschka. With his percussion quartet Daidalos Percussion he received the 1st Prize at the International Percussion Competition Luxembourg 2015.

There are currently 10 students studying percussion at the bachelor and master programs in Stockholm. The percussion ensemble is under the supervision of Mika Takehara and Niklas Brommare.



Kratka biografija:

Mika Takehara jedna je od najzanimljivijih solistica na udaraljkama i marimbi. Njezin senzitivni glazbeni stil i nastup nalikuju plesnoj predstavi.

Mika Takehara je nedugo nakon što je debitirala kao solistica na marimbi s Kroumata ansamblom 1998. nastupila na “International Percussion Event”, organiziran u suradnji sa “Stockholm’s year as Cultural Capitol of Europe”. Etablirala se kao solistica i često nastupa na konceratima u Švedskoj, Japanu i diljem Europe.

Mika Takehara također nastupa sa Saito Kinen Orchestra i Mito Chamber Orchestra kojim ravna maestro Seiji Ozawa.

Mika Takehara diplomirala je na Toho Gakuen College of Music – Tokyo, Japan, a nakon udaraljki/timpana koje studira kod prof. Yoshitaka Kobayashi, Kyoichi Sano i Akikuni Takahashi studira marimbu kod svjetski poznate marimbistice – Keiko Abe.

Dobitnica je “Research Diploma” na Toho Gakuen 1997., te je dobila poziv na studij kod prof. Andersa Loguina na Royal University College of Music u Stockholmu. Nakon četiri godine studija u Stockholmu diplomirala je kao solistica s najvišim ocjenama, te je diplomski koncert održala s Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra.

U rujnu 2009. godine Mika Takehara debitira kao solistica s Berlinskom filharmonijom pod ravnanjem maestra Gustava Dudamela s grupom “Glorious Percussion” u Sofia Gubaidulina’s Percussion Concerto “Glorious Percussion” (od kojeg je skupina preuzela svoje ime). Djelo je prvi put izvedeno s Gothenbourg Symphony Orchestra prije 2009., a ona jer od tada svirala s orkestrima diljem Europe, kao što su Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Lucern Philharmonic Orchestra i Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Netherlands Radio Orchestra i Los Angels Philharmonic Orchestra, itd.

Mika Takehara objavila je solo album “Thirteen Drums”,” Glorouous Percussion” za BIS Record.The “Baron in the trees” za Phono Suecia.

Također surađuje s poznatim proizvođačima udaraljki, Pearl i Sabian.

Web: www.mika-takehara.se

Ovom prigodom udaraljkaški ansambl Royal College of Music – Stockholm predstavit će se u sastavu Pau Vila, Simon Halvarsson i Johannes Werner.

Pau Vila student prve godine na Master in Chamber Music/ Soloist. Završio je studij prvostupnika na Konzervatoriju u Illes Balears kod Armanda Lorentea, Philippea Spiessera i Juanjoa Guillema.

Simon Halvarsson student druge godine na Master in Chamber Music/ Soloist. Diplomirao je kao prrvostupnik na Örebro University gdje je studirao marimbu kod Daniela Berga.

Johannes Werner je student u razmjeni na poslijediplomskom studiju. Od 2010. studira udaraljke i suvremenu glazbu na Sveučilištu za glazbu i izvedbene umjetnosti u Stuttgartu s prof. Marta Klimasara, prof. Klaus Dreher i Jürgen Spitschka. Sa svojim kvartetom udaraljki Daidalos dobio je 1. nagradu na Luksemburgu Međunarodni udaraljkaški natjecanja 2015.


Percussion ensemble Time

Percussion ensemble Time

GROUP LEADER: Iskra Palieva/ Maria Palieva


  • Simeon Borislavov Simeonov
  • Demetra Krasimirova Grigorova
  • Asen Todorov Kuzmanov
  • Denislav Dimitrov Dimitrov
  • Sebastian Todorov Tsolov
  • Kalina Yulianova Vladovska



Short bio:

The ensemble is made from students from the National Music School “L. Pipkov” Sofia Bulgaria. It has a multiple national and international awards as: 1st award – international “Earth and People” competition, 1st award – Romania percussion competition. Has a recording for the TV5 Television etc. The Ensemble have participated in many concerts closely connected with the school.



Kratka biografija:

Ansambl je sastavljen od studenata Nacionalne glazbene škole “L. Pipkov”, Sofija, Bugarska. Osvojili su prvu nagradu na međunarodnom natjecanju “Earth and People”, te prvu nagradu na “Romania percussion competition”. Snimali su za televiziju TV5. Ansambl sudjeluje na puno koncerata povezanih sa školom.


Stoyan Yankoulov
Stoyan Yankoulov



Short Bio:

Stoyan Yankoulov graduated from the musical school “Lyubomir Pipkov” in Sofia and then from the State Musical Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” majoring in percussion instruments. He was accepted in the Big Band of the Bulgarian National Radio. Yankoulov plays with rock and jazz bands, with folklore ensembles and with jazz-rock and fusion bands. He was guest starring on folklore and jazz festivals in Bulgaria, Finland, Belgium, Germany, Holland, France, Turkey, USA, Macedonia. He performed in the projects of Bobby McFerrin, Okay Temiz, Kornel Horvat, Carlo Rizzo, Arabel Karajan, Enver Ismailov, as well as with Theodosii Spassov, Ivo Papazov, Milcho Leviev, Simeon Shterev, Yildiz Ibrahimova, Anatoli Vapirov, Petar Ralchev.

Yankoulov is a laureate of the Crystal Lira award – 2004 in the jazz category by the Union of the Bulgarian Music and Dance Activists, Classic FM radio and the National Centre for Music and Dance at the Ministry of Culture. He was awarded an honorary diploma by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Austria for his great contribution to the popularization of Bulgarian jazz music and for his spectacular performance on the Panorama of the First Bulgarian Jazz Music Week Outside of Bulgaria. Bulgarian National Associations “Phenomena” – a collective member of the International Academy of Informatization in UN awards Stoyan Yankoulov with a golden statue for exceptional contribution in the field of art and popularizing Bulgarian culture all over the world.

“For me to play means to communicate.”

Yankoulov breaks and stretches the traditional way of playing drums, tupan, percussion by applying new techniques and non-standard musical ideas. Combining authentic folklore with new ways of expression with percussion instruments Stoyan Yankoulov reveals the unlimited variety and emotional intensity of the unique Bulgarian culture.



Kratka biografija:

Stoyan Yankoulov završio je glazbenu školu “Lyubomir Pipkov” u Sofiji, a zatim diplomirao na državnoj Muzičkoj akademiji “Pancho Vladigerov” smjer udaraljke. Postao je članom Big Banda na Bugarskom državnom radiju. Yankoulov svira s rock i jazz sastavima, a uz folklorne ansamble nastupa u jazz-rock i fusion sastavima. Bio je gost na folklornim i jazz festivalima u Bugarskoj, Finskoj, Belgiji, Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj, Francuskoj, Turskoj, SAD-u i Makedoniji. Nastupao je u projektima Bobby McFerrin, Okay Temiz, Kornel Horvat, Carlo Rizzo, Arabel Karajan, Enver Ismailov, kao i Theodosii Spassov Ivo Papazov, Milčo Leviev, Simeon Shterev, Yildiz Ibrahimova, Anatolij Vapirov, Petar Ralchev.

Yankoulov je laureat nagrade Crystal Lira – 2004. u kategoriji jazza u organizaciji Saveza bugarskih glazbenih i plesnih aktivista, Classic FM radija i Nacionalnog centra za glazbu i ples pri Ministarstvu kulture. Dobio je počasnu diplomu Veleposlanstva Republike Bugarske u Austriji za svoj veliki doprinos u popularizaciji bugarske jazz glazbe, a za njegov spektakularan nastup na „Panorama of the First Bulgarian Jazz Music Week Outside of Bulgaria”. Bugarsko nacionalno udruženje “Phenomena” – kolektivni član Međunarodne akademije za informatizaciju u UN nagrađuje Stojana Yankoulova zlatnim kipom za izniman doprinos u području umjetnosti i popularizacije bugarske kulture u cijelom svijetu.

„Za mene sviranje znači komuniciranje.“

Yankoulav razbija i proširuje tradicionalni način sviranja bubnjeva, tapana i udaraljki upotrijebivši nove tehnike i nestandardne glazbene ideje. Kombinirajući tradicionalni folklor s novim načinima izražavanja perkusivnim instrumentima, Stoyan Yankoulov otkriva neograničene varijacije i emocionalni intenzitet jedinstvene bugarske kulture.


Percussion ensemble Amores

Percussion ensemble Amores

GROUP LEADER: Pau Ballester






Short bio:

Founded in 1989, the group includes Pau Ballester, Ángel García and Jesús Salvador “Chapi”. In their prolonged professional trajectory, this group has been playing a decisive role in the evolution of music for percussion in Spain, debuting a large part of the work written for percussion and compositions dedicated to the group.

Amores Grup de Percussió takes its name from the homonymous work of John Cage, composer who has had a very strong influence on the group and who was honoured at the Autumn Festival of Madrid (1991), at which he was present. Important soloists of international renown such as S. Gualda (France), J. Vicente (Spain), M. Burrit (USA), P.A.Q. (Germany), N. Rosauro (Brazil), Duo Contemporain (Holland), K. Hathway (England), J. Iborra (Spain), E. Sejourne (France), Anders Astrand (Sweden), Carles Santos, Llorenç Barber, Juanjo Guillem, Angel Frette (Argentina), Nebosja Zivkovic (Serbia), Philipe Speisser (France), etc. have collaborated with the group. Amores Grup de Percussió has performed in a number of cities in Spain, Europe, the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Taiwan, South Korea, in the most important festivals of percussion and contemporary music, receiving numerous acclaim from critics in the area. They have made recordings, discography as well as for radio and television, and they were invited to participate in the International Convention of Columbus (1993) and Orlando (1998) organized by the Percussive Arts Society, as well as in the P.A.S. Euromeeting of Paris (2000 and 2009), Sofía (2001) and Seoul Drum Festival (Korea) 2002 and in Les Musiques of Marseilles (2007), Festival of Contemporary Music of Alicante (2007), Festival Sagunt to Scene (2008) among many others.

Since 1994 Amores Grup de Percussió has been a part of the Rector’s Council of the P.A.S. – Spain Chapter. The group has released entertainment works like TINAJAS together Sazed Ul Alam, COSMOGONÍA with Spanish Brass Luur Metalls and CALLEJÓN SIN SALIDA with SUPREMOS (break dance) and EL MAL VINO, operetta for percussion and voices.

They have been awarded the Prize for the Performing Arts of the Generalitat Valenciana for Best Music 2001 FČNIX (custom dance company Vicente Saez), with the Award for Performing Arts 2003 for best musical composition, TINAJAS , original music by Jesús Salvador Chapi and the Prize for the Performing Arts of the Generalitat Valenciana for the best original music for stage show by Ubu (Teatres production of the Generalitat Valenciana).

The last 2014, they have celebrated their 25 anniversary.

Amores Grup de Percussió touches with NP’s instruments and INNOVATIVE PERCUSSION.

Discography: VIVENCIAS (1998), AMORES/CAGE (2000), AMORES/ LLORENÇ BARBER (2001), TINAJAS (2003), FéNIX (2004) and BLACKSCORE (2010).



Kratka biografija:

Grupa je osnovana 1989, a članovi su Pau Ballester, Ángel García and Je­sús Salvador “Chapi”. Na IPEW-u će umjesto Jesúsa Salvadora nastupiti Carles Salvador Almenara. U svojoj poduljoj profesionalnoj karijeri, grupa igra odlučujuću ulogu u evoluciji udaraljkaške glazbe u Španjolskoj, pra­izvedbama velikog dijela skladbi pisanih za udaraljke i djela posvećenih grupi.

Amores Grup de Percussió dobiva ime po istoimenom djelu Johna Cagea, skladatelja koji je imao veliki utjecaj na grupu i kojem su posvetili svoj nastup na “Autumn Festival of Madrid” (1991), kojem je skladatelj nazočio.

S grupom su surađivali važni solisti internacionalnog renomea kao što su S. Gualda (France), J. Vicente (Spain), M. Burrit (USA), P.A.Q. (Germany), N. Rosauro (Brazil), Duo Contemporain (Holland), K. Hathway (England), J. Iborra (Spain), E. Sejourne (France), Anders Astrand (Sweden), Carles Santos, Llorenç Barber, Juanjo Guillem, Angel Frette (Argentina), Nebosja Zivkovic (Serbia), Philipe Speisser (France) i drugi.

Amores Grup de Percussió nastupali su u brojnim gradovima u Španjolskoj, Europi, SAD-u, Brazilu, Argentini, Urugvaju, Tajvanu, Južnoj Koreji, na najvažnijim festivalima udaraljkaša i suvremene glazbe, te su primili brojne pohvale kritičara u tom području. Izdali su brojne diskografske snimke za radio i televiziju, a bili su pozvani sudjelovati na International Convention of Columbus (1993) i Orlando (1998) u organizaciji Percussive Arts Society, kao i na P.A.S. Euromeeting of Paris (2000 and 2009), Sofía (2001) i Seoul Drum Festival (Korea 2002) i na Les Musiques of Marseilles (2007), Festival of Contemporary Music of Alicante (2007), Festival Sagunt to Scene (2008) i mnoge druge događaje te vrste. Od 1994 Amores Grup de Percussió bili su dio “Rector’s Council of the P.A.S. – Spain Chapter”. Grupa je objavljivala zabavne radove poput TINAJAS sa Sazed Ul Alam, COSMOGONÍA sa španjolskim Brass Luur Metalls i CALLEJÓN SIN SALIDA sa SUPREMOS (break dance) i EL MAL VINO, operetu za udaraljke i glasove.

Nagrađeni su nagradom za scensku umjetnost na „Generalitat Valenciana for Best Music 2001 FČNIX” (custom dance company Vicente Saez). Uz to dobivaju nagradu za scensku umjetnost 2003. kao najbolji glazbeni sastav, zatim TINAJAS, za originalnu glazbu Jesúsa Salvadora Chapija i nagrade za scensku umjetnost u Generalitat Valenciana za najbolju originalnu glazbu za scenski nastup Ubu (Teatres production of the Generalitat Valenciana).

2014. proslavili su svoju 25. godišnjicu rada.

Amores Grup de Percussió surađuje s NP’s instruments and INNOVATIVE PERCUSSION.

Discography: VIVENCIAS (1998), AMORES/CAGE (2000), AMORES/ LLORENÇ BARBER (2001), TINAJAS (2003), FéNIX (2004) and BLACKSCORE (2010).

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