Short bio:
Nothing can describe Kenny Hogan as SE-Asia’s leading drum clinician.Kenny has conducted over 300 clinics regionally & internationally and have represented his country of brith, Singapore in countless of music festivals some of which are some of the largest in the world.
Kenny is a proud endorser for Sabian Cymbals,Shure Microphones,Vic Firth Drumsticks, Extreme Isolation Headphones,Kelly Shu Pro and Hart Dynamics (US).
For 20 years as an independant drumming artiste,Kenny has sessioned and performed for numerous groups ranging from pop,rock,fusion,latin & many more which includes recording for 3 albums.
Kenny is a member of the Professional Teachers Guild of America, Hudsons Teacher Integral Program (USA) and Vic Firth Private Teacher (USA). Curently Kenny is teaching privately in his home studio. For those of you keen on overseas skype private drum lessons do email Kenny at and for more info on Kenny, visit his website at
Kratka biografija:
Kenny Hogan je jedan od vodećih pedagoga za set bubnjeva u jugoistočnoj Aziji. Vodio je više od 300 regionalnih i međunarodnih seminara i predstavljao svoju matičnu zemlju, Singapur, na brojnim glazbenim festivalima od kojih su neki najveći na svijetu.
Kenny je zaštitno lice kompanija Sabian Cymbals, Shure Microphones, Vic Flirth Drumsticks, Extreme Isolation Headphones, Kelly Shu Pro i Hart Dyinamics (SAD).
Tijekom 20 godina samostalne karijere umjetnika na bubnjevima svirao je i nastupao s brojnim sastavima pop, rock, fusion, latino glazbe, a snimio je i 3 velika nosača zvuka.
Kenny je član američke Udruge profesionalnih nastavnika Hudsons Teacher Integral Program (SAD). Trenutno je angažiran na privatnoj poduci u svom studiju. Oni koji žele privatnu poduku iz sviranja bubnjeva preko skypea mogu poslati poruku Kennyju na, a za više informacija o njemu posjetite njegovu mrežnu stranicu na
Špela Mastnak & Filip Merčep
Špela Mastnak (Celje, 1989) is a student of the fourth year of percussion in the class of prof. Igor Lešnik at the Music Academy in Zagreb. She is a winner of numerous prizes at national and international percussion contests. As a soloist she has performed with several orchestras in Slovenia. She takes active part at seminars of well known world percussionists and pedagogues. Špela has performed and worked with different chamber ensembles and orchestras such as HRT Symphonic Orchestra, Zagreb Philharmonic, Slovenian Philharmonic, Zagreb Orchestra of the Youth.
Filip Merčep (1991) is a second year student of the Music Academy in Zagreb, class of Ivana Bilić. From the very beginning of percussion playing has won top prizes at numerous national and international competitions. In 2009 he was the winner of the HRT and PBZ Card competitions as the best young musician. In 2010 he was elected for the contest “Croatian musician for Eurovision” and as a Croatian representative after 12 years entered the finals of the Eurovision contest.
In 2011 Filip won the discography award “Porin” in the category of the best classical performance and became the youngest winner of this prestigious award. He is the recent winner of the Town of Samobor Prize as well as “Ivo Vuljević” Prize for the best musician of that same year. As a soloist he has performed with the HRT Symphonic Orchestra, Zagrebački solisti, Croatian Chamber Orchestra and others.
A duo was formed in 2011 at the initiative of the professors Lešnik and Bilić at the Music Academy in Zagreb. In just a couple of months Špela and Filip noted a significant success. They won the first prize at the state competitions of chamber groups in Opatija as the most successful ensemble of students, they performed at HGZ and will perform as soloists with the Zagreb Philharmonic at KDVL at the end of January.
Kratka biografija:
Špela Mastnak (Celje, 1989.) studentica je četvrte godine studija udaraljki u klasi prof. Igora Lešnika na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Dobitnica je mnogih nagrada na državnim i međunarodnim udaraljkaškim natjecanjima, a kao solistica svirala je s nekoliko orkestara u Sloveniji. Aktivno sudjeluje na seminarima svjetski poznatih udaraljkaša i pedagoga. Svira i surađuje s raznim komornim ansamblima i orkestrima kao što su Simfonijski orkestar HRT, Zagrebačka Filharmonija, Slovenska Filharmonija, Zagrebački orkestar mladih.
Duo je osnovan 2011. na inicijativu prof. Lešnika i prof. Bilić na MA u Zagrebu. U svega par mjeseci Špela i Filip su napravili značajan uspjeh, 1. nagrada na državnom natjecanju komornih sastava u Opatiji kao najuspješniji sastav među studentima, nastup u HGZ-u, te koncert sa Zagrebackom filharmonijom u KDVL krajem siječnja.
Filip Merčep (1991.) student 2. godine na MA u Zagrebu u klasi doc. Ivane Bilic. Od samih početaka sviranja udaraljki osvajao je najviša odličja na brojnim državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. 2009. g. je pobijedio na natjecanju HRT-a i PBZ Carda za najboljeg glazbenika godine, a 2010. na natjecanju “Hrvatski glazbenik za Euroviziju” i tako je kao predstavnik Hrvatske, nakon 12 godina, izborio finale Eurovizijskog natjecanja.
Filip je 2011. osvojio diskografsku nagradu “Porin” u kategoriji “najbolja izvedba klasične glazbe” i tako postao najmlađim dobitnikom te značajne nagrade. Te iste godine je osvojio i Nagradu Grada Samobora i godišnju nagradu “Ivo Vuljević” za najboljeg glazbenika te godine.
Kao solist svirao je sa Simfonijskim orkestrom HRT-a, Zagrebačkim solistima, Hrvatskim komornim orkestrom i mnogim drugim.
biNg bang
Short bio:
biNg bang has a relatively short but rich history. Under the artistic direction of Igor Lešnik ensemble is founded in 1999. in Zagreb, as a permanent ensemble of the Croatian Musical Youth. After only five years of intense activity and playing music, they became independent (2004). biNg bang was declared the best student band in the world at the Percussive Arts Society competition in Nashville (USA). Of course, they got many awards in their country. The ensemble prize “Ivo Vuljević” as the best young ensemble in Croatia, and the Rector’s Award, University of Zagreb. biNg Bang performs as international band with best percussion students at the Zagreb Music Academy and laureates of various competitions. The ensemble has performed throughout the world, from European, Asian countries over the North and South America. biNg bang in these eight years hosted a great soloists and conductors: Ney Rosauro and Fernando Hashimoto (Brazil), Jean Geoffroy (France), John Beck, Payton MacDonald and Michael Udow (USA), Angel Frette (Argentina), Albert Ludwig (Belgium)…Their compact disc entitled “biNg bang plays lesnik” published for the American company Equilibrium achieved international success. They are preparing another CD with a program consisting of works by Croatian and foreign authors dedicated to this band.
Members of the ensemble are: Nikola Sinković, Tomi Spasevski, Luka Pešutić, Špela Mastnak, Boris Žuvela, Ivan Ježek, Milan Filić, Pavle Golubić, Filip Merčep, Renato Palatinuš, Fran Krsto Šercar.
Assistant art director: Božidar Rebić
Sponsor: Muzička akademija Zagreb
Kratka biografija:
biNg bang ima relativno kratku, ali bogatu povijest. Pod umjetničkim vodstvom Igora Lešnika zagrebački ansambl osnovan je 1999. godine kao stalni ansambl Hrvatske glazbene mladeži. Nakon samo pet godina djelovanja i intenzivnog muziciranja, a zatim i osamostaljenja (2004.) biNg bang je proglašen najboljim studentskim sastavom na svijetu na natjecanju Percussive Arts Society u Nashvilleu (USA). Dakako, priznanja nisu izostala u matičnoj zemlji, pa je tako ansambl dobitnik nagrade Ivo Vuljević kao najbolji mladi ansambl u Hrvatskoj, te Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. biNg Bang muzicira i u međunarodnoj postavi koju čine najbolji studenti udaraljki zagrebačke Muzičke akademije i laureati s različitih natjecanja. Ansambl je gostovao diljem svijeta, od europskih, preko azijskih zemalja do Sjeverne i Južne Amerike. biNg bang je u ovih osam godina ugostio sjajne soliste i/ili dirigente: Ney Rosauro i Fernando Hashimoto (Brazil); Jean Geoffroy (Francuska); John Beck, Payton MacDonald i Michael Udow (SAD); Angel Frette (Argentina); Ludwig Albert (Belgija)…
Njihov nosač zvuka naslovljen biNg bang plays lešnik objavljen za američku tvrtku Equilibrium postigao je međunarodni uspjeh, a u pripremi je još jedan s programom sastavljenim od djela hrvatskih i inozemnih autora posvećenih ovome sastavu.
Članovi ansambla su: Nikola Sinković, Tomi Spasevski, Luka Pešutić, Špela Mastnak, Boris Žuvela, Ivan Ježek, Milan Filić, Pavle Golubić, Filip Merčep, Renato Palatinuš, Fran Krsto Šercar.
Asistent umjetničkog voditelja: Božidar Rebić
Sponzor: Muzička akademija Zagreb
Mario Mavrin
Short bio:
A bass guitar and upright bass player, Mario Mavrin started his music engagement in his early age. During his elementary and high music school education at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music school (Zagreb) he played the violin, then the drums, doublebass and bass guitar. Very soon he became a member of Stjepan Mihaljinec orchestra. Upon his return from Africa, where he played in Karlo Metikoš’s orchestra, in 1969 he became a permanent guest collaborator of the HRT Big Band under the leadership of Miljenko Prohaska. As a bass guitar player he has played for the legendary group Time. In 1970 he started cooperating with Boško Petrović and along the way he has collaborated with Zagreb soloists, Rucner Quartet, Peter Soave, Zagreb Philharmonic and Michele Legrand and he has performed at many well-known world and European jazz festivals in cooperation with famous jazz players like Ernie Wilkins, Art Farmer, Clark Terry, Sal Nistic, Gianni Bass, Csabe Desze, Toots Thielemans, Philipe Catherine, N.H.O. Pedersen, Alvine Queene, Martin Drew, Duško Gojković, Lew Soloff, Albert Mangelsdorff, Johnny Griffin, Helen Merrill, Kristian Schultze, Carlos Werneck, Peter Appleyard, Gary Burton, Michele Legrand, Roy Brinker and many others. In 1995 he played in the trio of the American piano player John Lewis. He was a member of the ensemble Jazzbina of the professor Igor Lešnik. Mario is a multiple time winner of Status, Croatian Music Union prize for the most prominent instrument player, bass guitar player. Together with playing he has been engaged in sound engineering and for years cooperates as a guest sound engineer for the Concert Hall Vatroslav Lisinski, Komedija Theatre and others.
Kratka biografija:
Bas gitarist i kontrabasist Mario Mavrin vrlo se rano počeo baviti glazbom. U nižoj i srednjoj muzičkoj školi V. Lisinskog (Zagreb) učio je svirati violinu, a zatim bubnjeve, kontrabas i bass gitaru. Ubrzo postaje članom orkestra Stjepana Mihaljinca. Nakon povratka iz Afrike, gdje je svirao u orkestru Karla Metikoša, 1969. godine postaje stalnim vanjskim suradnikom Big Banda HRT-a pod vodstvom Miljenka Prohaske. Kao bas gitarist je svirao u legendarnoj rock grupi Time. Godine 1970. počinje suradnju s Boškom Petrovićem te tako surađivao i sa Zagrebačkim solistima, Rucner Quartetom, Peterom Soaveom, Zagrebačkom Filharmonijom i Michelom Legrandom, a nastupao je i na renomiranim svjetskim i europskim jazz festivalima surađujući s glasovitim jazzistima poput Erniea Wilkinsa, Arta Farmera, Clarka Terryja, Sala Nistica, Giannija Bassa, Csabe D?se?a, Tootsa Thielemansa, Philipa Catherinea, N.H.O. Pedersena, Alvina Queena, Martina Drewa, Duška Gojkovića, Lewa Soloffa, Alberta Mangelsdorffa, Johnnyja Griffina, Helen Merrill, Kristiana Schultzea, Carlosa Wernecka, Petera Appleyarda, Garyja Burtona, Michela Legranda, Royja Brinkera i drugih. 1995. g. svirao je u triju američkog klavirista Johna Lewisa. Bio je član ansambla Jazzbina profesora Igora Lešnika. Višestruki je dobitnik nagrade Status Hrvatske glazbene unije za najistaknutijeg instrumentalista, bas gitarista. Uz sviranje bavi se tonskom režijom te godinama surađuje kao vanjski suradnik-ton majstor Koncertne dvorane Vatroslava Lisinskog, Kazališta Komedija i drugih.
Neven Frangeš
Short bio:
Neven Frangeš, born in Zagreb in 1951. At the age of 14 performed with the jazz band of our most famous jazz musician, Boško Petrović (naturally, at that time not yet professionally). In great deal it determined his further artistic path and professional carrier. Over the years he has performed with numerous important national and foreign jazz musicians – Boško Petrović, Damir dičić, Mario Mavrin, Elvis Stanić, Miljenko Prohaska, Art Farmer, Niels Pederson, Martin Drew, Ernie Wilkins, Toots Thielemans, Lou Donaldson, Bob Moover and others – and recorded several records, that is CDs which document those cooperations of which memorable are duets with Boško Petrović “Sarabanda”, “From Moscow to L.Aa.”, “Un chien Andalou” and especially a CD with Croatian traditional music “Zvira voda” which is done with the famous opera singer, Ruža Pospiš-Baldani. He is a winner of three “Porins” in the category of jazz. As a jazz musician he has performed throughout Europe, USA and countries of the former Soviet Union. For five seasons (2005-2009) he was a leader of the music program for Dubrovačke ljetne igre (Dubrovnik summer festival). He has been teaching at the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb.
Neven has been active at the rock scene as well: worked on and arranged several important albums of Drago Mlinarec “Rođenje”, “Sve je u redu” and “Negdje postoji netko”, then there was a year long cooperation with our rock institution “Parni valjak” and those albums won several “Porins”. In 1972, as a student visited Dubrovnik where, at their Summer festival, started working at the theatre. Over the years he has composed music for more than 100 theatre performances directed by our well-known directors: Georgij Paro, Božidar Violić, Vlado Habunek, dino Radojević, Joško Juvančić, Ivica Kunčević, Želimir Mesarić and others. He has composed music for films and TV, as well as documentaries and cartoons.
Kratka biografija:
Neven Frangeš rođen je u Zagrebu 1951. Već s 14 godina prvi put nastupa sa sastavom našeg najpoznatijeg jazz muzičara Boška Petrovića (dakako, ne još profesionalno). To je uvelike odredilo njegov daljnji put te umjetnički i profesionalno opredjeljenje. Tijekom godina nastupio je s mnogim značajnim domaćim i svjetskim jazz muzičarima – prije svega s Boškom Petrovićem, Damirom Dičićem, Mariom Mavrinom, Elvisom Stanićem, Miljenkom Prohaskom, Art Farmerom, Niels Pedersenom, Martinom Drewom, Ernie Wilkinsom, Toots Thielemansom, Lou Donaldsonom, Bob Mooverom i drugima – i snimio niz gramofonskih ploča, odnosno CD-a, na kojima su zabilježene te suradnje, među kojima se izdvajaju dueti sa Boškom Petrovićem “Sarabanda”, “From Moscow to L. A.”, “Un chien Andalou” i posebno jedan CD s našom glazbenom baštinom “Zvira voda”, na kojem duo surađuje sa proslavljenom Ružom Pospiš-Baldani. Dobitnik je tri “Porina” u kategoriji jazza. Kao jazz glazbenik nastupao u gotovo svim zemljama Europe, u Sjedinjenim državama i zemljama bivšeg Sovjetskog saveza. Pet sezona (2005.-2009.) bio je ravnatelj glazbenog progama Dubrovačkih ljetnh igara. Predaje na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Djeluje godinama i na rock sceni: suradnja i aranžmani na nekoliko ključnih albuma Drage Mlinarca “Rođenje”, “Sve je u redu” i “Negdje postoji netko”, zatim dugogodišnja suradnja s našom rock institucijom “Parni valjak”, a ti su albumi nagrađeni s nekoliko “Porina”. Godine 1972. kao student dolazi u Dubrovnik gdje na Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama započinje rad u kazalištu. Skladao je glazbu za preko 100 kazališnih predstava koje su režirali naši najpoznatiji režiseri: Georgij Paro, Božidar Violić, Vlado Habunek, Dino Radojević, Joško Juvančić, Ivica Kunčević, Želimir Mesarić i drugi. Skladao je i glazbu za igrane filmove i TV drame, kao i dokumentarne te animirane filmove.
Hrvoje Rupčić
Short bio:
He was born in Zagreb on 2nd March 1970. Hrvoje started music lesson at te age of 10 and playing percussions at 16. From 1989-1991 he attended private music school for percussions “Drumtech-Latin percussion studios” in London. Upon his return to Zagreb he played in the band Ritmo Loco, where he met most of the future Cubismo members. From 1992 to 1995 he played for the band “Hammond trio” with Mario Mavrin and Neven Frangeš, and from 1993 he played also with Boško Petrović in the band B.P. Club All Stars. At that time Hrvoje collaborated with the group Parni Valjak and played with them from 1995-1998. In 1995 he founded and lead his own band Cubismo which has been for 17 years the most important latin-jazz-salsa band of this region. Apart from Cubismo he collaborates with other bands among which: HGM Jazz Orchestra, Big Band HRT and Positivo.
In 2000/2001 taught at the Music Academy in Zagreb, Department of Percussion. From 2005 he is employed as a permanent orchestra member of the Theatre Komedija. In his studio work as an instrument player till present he has participated in more than 200 discography editions in a wide music spectrum – from jazz, pop, rock, funk, latin, new-age to popular music.
- Together with Cubismo he has won 23 Porin awards and many other prizes.
- He is a winner of seven Status prizes for the best instrument player given by the Croatian Music Union in the category of percussion (1996, 1997, 2001, 2003 and 2009)
- He is the winner of the prize Crni mačak as the best instrument player in 2000
Kratka biografija:
Rođen je u Zagrebu 2. ožujka 1970. godine. Glazbom se počeo baviti u dobi od 10 godina, a udaraljkama sa 16 godina. Godine 1989.-1991. pohađa privatnu glazbenu školu za udaraljke „Drumtech-Latin percussion studios“ u Londonu. Nakon povratka u Zagreb svira u sastavu Ritmo Loco, u kojem je i upoznao većinu budućih članova Cubisma.
Od 1992. do 1995. svira s u sastavu “Hammond trio”s Marijem Mavrinom i Nevenom Frangešom, a od1993. svira i s Boškom Petrovićem u sastavu B.P. Club All Stars.
U to vrijeme je surađivao i sa grupom Parnim Valjak, s kojim je svirao od ’95-’98 godine. 1995. godine osniva i vodi vlastiti sastav – Cubismo, koji je već punih 17 godina najznačajniji latin-jazz/salsa sastav na ovim prostorima. Uz Cubismo, sastavi s kojima najviše surađuje su: HGM Jazz Orkestar, Big Band HRT-a i Positivo.Godine 2000./2001. bio je predavač na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, na odjelu za udaraljke. Od 2005. zaposlen je kao stalni član orkestra kazališta „Komedija“. U svom studijskom radom je kao instrumentalist do danas sudjelovao na više od dvije stotine diskografskih izdanja, u širokom glazbenom spektru – od jazza, popa, rocka, funka, latina, new-agea do zabavne glazbe.
– S Cubismom je dobitnik 23 diskografske nagrade Porin te brojnih drugih nagrada.
– Dobitnik je sedam nagrada Status Hrvatske glazbene unije za najboljeg instumentalista u kategoriji udaraljki (1996., 1997., 2001., 2003.i 2009.)
– Dobitnik je nagrade „Crni mačak“ kao najbolji instrumentalist 2000. godine.
Ivan Mihajlović
Short bio:
Ivan Mihajlović, prof., has made over 500 public performances with children’s, women’s and mixed choirs, and has performed as a musician with jazz bands: Sigma Jazz Band, Big Band Bjelovar, Bjelovar Jazz Band. He was the president of the Cultural Council of the county, the President of the Croatian Music Union for Bjelovar and he is an active member of the Jazz club Bjelovar. Winner of the “Grb grada Bjelovara” an annual award for outstanding achievements in the field of culture in 2004. As a conductor he has participated in organizing Christmas concerts in the church. St. Theresa, and outstanding performances achieved with mixed choir, and the traditional Christmas “Gala concert” broadcasted on the Croatian Television.
His mixed choir consisted of music school students is a regular participant of music festival of Croatian Music Youth in Varazdin where he won 6 gold medals, and national competitions HDGPP (Croatian Music and Dance Teachers Union) where they won the first prize three times.
He won annual award of the music and dance educator.
Kratka biografija:
Ivan Mihajlović, prof. glazbe, ostvario je preko 500 javnih nastupa s dječjim, ženskim i mješovitim zborovima, a nastupao je i kao glazbenik s jazz sastavima: Sigma Jazz Band, Bjelovarski Big band, Bjelovarski Jazz Band. Obnašao je funkciju predsjednika Kulturnog vijeća županije, predsjednika Hrvatske glazbene unije podružnica Bjelovar te je aktivni član Jazz kluba Bjelovar. Dobitnik je „Grba grada Bjelovara“ godišnje nagrade za izuzetne uspjehe na području kulture u 2004. godini. Kao zborovođa sudjelovao je u organizaciji Božićnih koncerata u crkvi sv. Terezije, a izuzetne nastupe ostvaruje s Troglasnim mješovitim zborom na već tradicionalnom Božićnom Gala koncertu kojeg je prenosila Hrvatska televizija.
S Troglasnim mješovitim zborom glazbene škole, redoviti je sudionik Glazbenih svečanosti hrvatske mladeži u Varaždinu na kojima je osvojio 6 Zlatnih plaketa, te na državnim natjecanjima HDGPP-a gdje je 3. puta osvojio prvu nagradu.
Dobitnik je godišnje nagrade društva glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga.
Andy Narell
Short bio:
With his first solo album in 1979 Andy Narell took the steelpan out of the steelband and brought it into the jazz band, and with every recording and concert since, he has explored the possibilities and expanded the role of the pan in contemporary music.
2011 marks the release of Narell’s DVD package ‘ALIVE,’ which includes two full length documentaries about his work. ‘Andy and the Jumbies’ takes us from the panyards of Trinidad to the streets of New York, and follows his projects with Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra and the great calypsonian Relator, also featuring interviews with David Rudder, Ray Holman, Peter Minshall, and Kim Johnson. ‘Calypso Fever’ documents Andy’s collaboration with the WDR Big Band, merging the Andy Narell Steelband with the WDR to create a new 40 piece orchestra.
Narell has made more than a dozen albums as leader, one as co-leader with Relator (University of Calypso), two as co-leader of the Caribbean Jazz Project (with Paquito D’Rivera and Dave Samuels), and two as co-leader of Sakésho (with Mario Canonge, Michel Alibo, and Jean Philippe Fanfant). Along the way he has worked with artists as diverse as Chucho Valdes, Bela Fleck, Marcus Miller, Maraca y Otro Vision, Willie Colon, Bebo Valdes, Flora Purim and Airto, Vince Mendoza, The WDR Big Band(Koln), The Metropole Orchestra (Holland), Andre Ceccarelli, Spyro Gyra, Dr. Billy Taylor, Nancy Wilson, Irakere, Tito Puente, Orquestra Aragon, David Rudder, Black Stalin, Andre Tanker,Angelique Kidjo, Etienne Mbappé, Mokhtar Samba, Karim Ziad, Ray Lema, Kora Jazz Trio, Kassav, Vusi Mahlasela, Philippe Lavil, Toto, Aretha Franklin, and the Kronos String Quartet. He has performed on movie scores by James Horner, Maurice Jarre, Elmer Bernstein, Hans Zimmer, Michel Colombier, and Thomas Newman, and his compositions have been featured in the film The Firm, and on tv shows like Designing Women and Going to Extremes, as well as commercials for Apple Computers, Sony, Porsche, and Southwest Bell.
As a bandleader and soloist he has played hundreds of concerts and jazz festivals throught the USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, the Caribbean, South America, and Africa.
In 1999 Andy became the first foreigner to compose for Trinidad’s Panorama steel band competition, guiding the 100 player Skiffle Bunch Steel Orchestra to the finals of both the 1999 and 2000 Panoramas. In 2007 he collaborated with Trinidad All Stars for a concert of his steelband music at the Trinidad and Tobago Steelpan and Jazz Festival. 2010 saw the realization of a project bringing together the Andy Narell Steelband with Michael Abene and the WDR Big Band, with special guest Relator, with a sold out concert at the Köln Philharmonic in Germany.
He has been an artist in residence at North Texas St. Univ., Wichita St. Univ., Univ. of West Virginia, Univ. of Akron, Univ. of Illinois, Northern Illinois Univ., Miami Univ.(Ohio), Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Eastern Kentucky Univ, Northwestern Univ., Texas Tech Univ., Univ. of Delaware, Univ. of Missouri, Texas Christian Univ., Calypsociaition (Paris), and many other schools.
Apart from his own recordings, he has worked as producer on many albums, including Billy Childs(4), Ray Obiedo(3), Kit Walker(2), Our Boys Steel Orchestra(2), Steve Erquiaga, The Bobs, Keith Terry and Crosspulse, Alex DeGrassi, Irene Farrera, Xoli Nkosi, and Prince Kupi.
2011 “ALIVE” – five films (w/WDR Big Band, Trinidad All Stars, Relator) DVD; 2009 Andy Narell & Relator – “University of Calypso”; 2007 “Tatoom – Music for Steel Orchestra” w/Mike Stern, David Sanchez, Luis Conte; 2005 Sakésho – “We Want You to Say” w/Mario Canonge, Michel Alibo, Jean Philippe Fanfant ; 2004 “The Passage” – Music for Steel Orchestra w/Calypsociation, Michael Brecker, Paquito D’Rivera, Hugh Masekela; 2002 “SAKESHO” – w/ Mario Canonge, Michel Alibo, Jean Philippe Fanfant ; 2001 “Live in South Africa”; 2000 “Fire in the Engine Room”; 1998 “Behind the Bridge”; 1997 Caribbean Jazz Project – “Island Stories” w/Paquito D’Rivera and Dave Samuels; 1995 “The Long Time Band”; 1995 “The Caribbean Jazz Project” w/Paquito D’Rivera and Dave Samuels
1992 “Down the Road”; 1989 “Little Secrets”; 1987 “The Hammer”; 1985 “Slow Motion”; 1983 “Light in Your Eyes”; 1981 “Stickman”; 1979 “Hidden Treasure”.
“Andy Narell has made so many cool albums of jazzy steel pan (aka steel drum) music through the years he is practically a genre unto himself at this point. A musician of tremendous skill and consummate good taste, Narell takes the pans places they’ve never been before, so far beyond the limited palette of calypso it barely seems like the same instrument.”
“Andy Narell is to the steel pan as Jimmy Smith was to the Hammond B3—a pioneer who took the instrument out of the basement, and put it into the jazz mainstream…
All About Jazz–LA
“…Tatoom is about Narell and his prowess behind a set of steel pans. This is a fascinating album—not your average modern jazz CD; well worth a listen.”
Jazz Improv
“Narell has come to the home of pan to tell his own story, in music, as he would a jazz solo. He’s about to bend our ears, and the rules, whatever they are. Without gimmicks…. Narell’s message is wellreceived. Powerful music simply administered.”
Dalton Narine — Trinidad Guardian
“Narell hardly touches the pans when he plays; his arms and hands seem totally relaxed, letting the sticks fall onto the steel, not driving them. He knows exactly where the sweet spots on the notes lie, and can stroke the music out, no need to beat up the pans. His neck bends, his shoulders dance, as he draws music from the taut-stretched steel.”
Mike Goodwin — Caribbean Beat
“In more ways than one, American steel pan virtuoso Andy Narell has truly infiltrated the sound of the pan into North America…. Narell’s unlikely path as a young New York City-born steel pan virtuoso has finally brought him to a new starting point, a vision made real. What he now has within his control is a rare and, more importantly, a needed thing: the power to transmit a positive force through music.”
Mike Fallerino — Jazziz Magazine
“The cumulative effect of Narell’s journey is an affecting showcase for the many moods of this still mysterious instrument…”
JazzTimes Magazine
“Andy Narell’s simplicity on stage is in contrast to the sophistication of his music, which is educated, spiritual and heart-felt. The American steel pan player showed once again that he is a jazzman of substance….
Edward Tsumele — The Sowetan(South Africa)
Kratka biografija:
Svojim prvim solo albumom 1979. Andy Narell je steel-drums iz folklora karipskih otoka donio u jazz glazbu i od tada na svakom snimanju i koncertu istražuje mogućnosti i proširuje ulogu steel-drums u suvremenoj glazbi.
Godina 2011. označava izlazak DVD paketa ALIVE koji uključuje dva dugometražna dokumentarna filma o njegovom radu. Andy and the Jumbies nas vodi od bubnjeva Trinidada do ulica New Yorka i slijedi njegove projekte s Trinidad All Stars Steel orkestrom i velikim kalipso umjetnikom Relatorom, također sadrži intervjue s Davidom Rudderom, Rayom Holmanom, Peterom Minshallom i Kimom Johnsonom. Calypso Fever dokumentira Andyjevu suradnju s WDR Big Bandom, spajanje Andy Narell steel-drum ansambla s WDRom da bi se stvorio novi orkestar od 40 različitih instrumenata.
Narell je napravio više od dvanaest solo diskografskih projekata, jedan kao umjetnički suvoditelj zajedno s Relatorom (Sveučilište Calypso), dva kao suvoditelj Carribean Jazz Projecta (zajedno s Paquitom D’Riverom i Daveom Samuelsom), i dva kao suvoditelj Sakéschoa (s Mariom Canongeom, Michelom Alibom i Jeanom Philipeom Fanfantom). Također je kroz godine surađivao s različitim umjetnicima kao što su Chucho, Michel Valdes, Bela Fleck, Marcus Miller, Maraca y Otro Vision, Villie Colon, Bebo Valdes, Flora Purim i Airto, vince Mendoza, the WDR Big Band (Köln), The Metropole Orchestra (Nizozemska), Andre Ceccarelli, Spyro Gyra, Dr. Billy Taylor, Nancy Wilson, Irakere, Tito Puente, Orchestra Aragon, David Rudder, Black Stalin, Andre Tanker, Angelique Kidjo, Etienne Mbappé, Mokhtar Samba, Karim Ziad, Ray Lema, Kora Jazz Trio, Kassav, Vussi Mahlasela, Philippe Lavil, Toto, Aretha Franklin, i Kronos String Quarter. Svirao je u glazbi za filmove koju su skladali James Horner, Maurice Jarre, Elmer Bernstein, Hans Zimmer, Michel Colombier i Thomas Newman, a njegove skladbe su prikazane u filmu The Firm, i u TV emisijama kao što su Designing Women i Going to Extremes, kao također i u reklamama za Apple kompjutore, Sony, Porsche i Southwest Bell.
Kao voditelj sastava i solist svirao je na stotinama koncerata i jazz festivala u SAD-u, Kanadi, Europi, Japanu, Karibima, Južnoj Americi i Africi.
1999. godine Andy je postao prvi stranac koji je skladao za trinidadsko Panorama natjecanje steel-drum orkestara, vodeći 100 svirača orkestra Skiffle Bunch Steel Orchestra do finala i 1999. i 2000. godine. 2007. surađivao je s Trinidad All Stars na koncertu njegove glazbe za limene orkestre na festivalu Trinidad and Tobago Steelpan and Jazz Festival. 2010. ostvario je projekt spajanja Andy Narell orkestra s orkestrima Michela Abenea i WDR Big Banda, i Relatora kao specijalnog gosta, uz rasprodan koncert u Filharmoniji Köln u Njemačkoj.
On je umjetnik koji predaje na Državnom sveučilištu u Sjevernom Teksasu, Državnom sveučilištu Wichita, Sveučilištu Zapadne Virđinije, Sveučilištu Akron, Sveučilištu Illinois, Sveučilištu Sjeverni Illinois, Sveučilištu Miami (Ohio), Sveučilištu Sjeverni Mississippi, Sveučilištu Istočni Kentucky, Sjeverozapadnom sveučilištu, Texas Tehničkom sveučilištu, Sveučilištu Delaware, Sveučilištu Missouri, Teksaškom kršćanskom sveučilištu, Calypsociation (Paris) i mnogim drugim fakultetima.
Osim njegovih vlastitih snimaka, radio je i kao producent na mnogim albumima, uključujući Billy Childs (4), Ray Obiede (3), Kit Walker (2), Our Boys Steel Orchestra (2), Steve Erquilaga, The Bobs, Keith Terry and Crosspulse, Alex DeGrassi, Irene Farrera, Xoli Nkosi, and Prince Kupi.
2011. “ALIVE” – pet filmova (w/WDR Big Band, Trinidad All Stars, Relator) DVD; 2009. Andy Narell & Relator – “University of Calypso”; 2007. “Tatoom – Glazba za limeni orkestar” w/Mike Stern, David Sanchez, Luis Conte; 2005. Sakésho – “We Want You to Say” w/Mario Canonge, Michel Alibo, Jean Philippe Fanfant ; 2004. “The Passage” – Glazba za limeni orkestar” w/Calypsociation, Michael Brecker, Paquito D’Rivera, Hugh Masekela; 2002. “SAKESHO” – w/ Mario Canonge, Michel Alibo, Jean Philippe Fanfant ; 2001. “Live in South Africa”; 2000. “Fire in the Engine Room”; 1998. “Behind the Bridge”; 1997. Caribbean Jazz Project – “Island Stories” w/Paquito D’Rivera and Dave Samuels; 1995. “The Long Time Band”; 1995. “The Caribbean Jazz Project” w/Paquito D’Rivera and Dave Samuels
2012. “Down the Road”; 1989. “Little Secrets”; 1987. “The Hammer”; 1985. “Slow Motion”; 1983. “Light in Your Eyes”; 1981. “Stickman”; 1979. “Hidden Treasure”.
“Andy Narell je snimio toliko super albuma s glazbom na jazzistički usmjerenom steel-drumu tako da je praktično postao žanr sam za sebe. Glazbenik izuzetne vještine savršeno dobrog ukusa, Narell vodi steel drums do mjesta koje nikad nisu imali, daleko od ograničene calypso palete tako da se jedva čine istim instrumentom.”
“Andy Narell je za steel drums ono što je Jimmy Smith za Hammond B3 – pionir koji je izvukao instrument iz podruma i postavio ga u glavnu struju jazza…”
All About Jazz-LA
“… Tatoom je diskografsko izdanje o Narellu i njegovoj iznimnoj sposobnosti sviranja stell drumsa. Ovo je fascinantni album – ne spada u prosječne moderne jazz CD-ove; vrijedan slušanja.”
Jazz Improv
“Narell je došao u domovinu steel drums da bi ispričao svoju vlastitu priču, u glazbi, kao što bi u jazz solo nastupu. On izaziva naše uši i krši pravila, koja god da postoje. Bez trikova… Narellova poruka je dobro primljena. Snažna i jednostavno prenesena glazba.”
Dalton Narine – Trinidad Guardian
“Narell jedva da dodiruje limene bubnjeve kad na njima svira; njegove ruke i šake se čine potpuno smirenima, puštajući da palice same padnu na lim, ne vadeći ih iz instrumenta. On zna točno odabrati pravi slijed nota te može stvarati glazbu, bez potrebe da samo udara po bubnjevima. Njegov vrat se svija a njegova ramena plešu dok izvlači glazbu iz običnih limenih bačvi. “
Mike Goodwin – Caribbean Beat
“Na više od jednog načina, američki steel drum virtuoz, Andy Narell je istinski uveo steel drum zvuk u Sjevernu Ameriku… Narellov neobičan put solista virtuoza rođenog u New Yorku, konačno ga je doveo do nove početne točke vizije koja se i ostvarila. Ono što on sada predstavlja je rijetka i još važnije, potrebna stvar: snaga prenošenja pozitivne sile kroz glazbu.”
Mike Fallerino – Jazziz magazine
“Kumulativni efekt Narellovog puta je djelotvorni primjer mnogih nijansi ovog još uvijek misterioznog instrumenta..”
JazzTimes Magazine
“Andy Narellova jednostavnost na pozornici je u suprotnosti sa složenošću njegove glazbe, koja je profinjena, duhovna i srcem prepoznata. Američki steel drum izvodjač još jednom je pokazao da je jazzer u srži…”
Edward Tsumele – The Sowetan (Južna Afrika
Hanns Eisler Percussion Ensemble
Short bio:
The “Hanns Eisler Percussion Ensemble” was founded in the 1990’s by one of the most famous percussionists, prof. Edgar Guggeis (RIP). It is composed of teachers and students of the well-respected “Hochschule für Musik ‘Hanns Eisler’ Berlin”, coming from different parts of the world.
In 2003, the outstanding soloist prof. Li Biao, together with timpani professor Rainer Seegers, assumed guidance of the Ensemble.
The group followed invitations for festivals and concerts all over the world. Various famous percussionists and soloists have been members of the ensemble.
- Biao Li
- Rainer Seegers
- Sanja Fister
GROUP MEMBERS / PERFORMERS: Lukas Böhm, Ni Fan, Maximilian Gärtner, Alexandros Giovanos, Emma King, Bernhard Stahl
Biao Li
one of the few outstanding solo percussionists in the recent international music stage, win the world acclaim as an exceptional solo percussionist in the contemporary era by virtue of his extraordinary musicality of the percussion instruments as well as his unique demeanor.
Born in Nanjing/ China, first music lessons at the age of five.1982-1988 percussion studies at the Music Conservatory in Peking, thereafter studied with Prof. Valentin Sniegerev at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, graduated with merit. 1995-1998 studied with Prof. Peter Sadlo at the Academy of Music in Munich, graduated with the masterclass diploma. Prizewinner in competitions, e.g. the Debrezen Percussion Competition and Alimata Music Competition. Numerous appearances at international festivals such as the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Bela Bartok Festival, the Yamanami Festival and the Bad Kissingen Music Festival, Appearances as soloist with European and Asian orchestras and chamber music ensembles, e.g. the Chinese National Symphony, the Ensemble Tokyo, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Peking Symphony Orchestra in the 2000, 2003 and 2005 tours. Taught at numerous international festivals in Europe, Asia and the USA. Founder and artistic director of the Beijing Percussion Festival and since 2003 Professor at the Beijing Central Conservatory. Percussion recordings for record companies such as EMI and Teldec as well as live TV and radio recordings for BR, ZDF, NDR, WDR and MTV. Since 2006 guest professor for percussion at the Academy of Music Hanns Eisler Berlin.
Rainer Seegers comes from a family of musicians. His grandfather, for many years principal trumpet of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, gave his the necessary musical arsenal for his later career as an orchestral player. After settling with his family in Hanover, Rainer Seegers entered the city’s Musikhochschule to begin his training as a percussionist and timpanist with Albert Schober, and from 1973 to 1977 he studied school music with percussion as his chief subject.
Already active as a substitute in the orchestra of the Hanover Staatsoper from the age of 13, he took up his first permanent engagement as principal timpanist at the Braunschweig Staatstheater. In 1979 he moved to the same position with the Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, and from 1977 to 1982 he was also a member of the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra. In 1984 Seegers joined the Berliner Philharmoniker – first as a regular deputy, then, from 1986, in a permanent position as successor to the orchestra’s principal timpanist Werner Thärichen. His orchestral activities – including chamber music – are complemented by teaching engagements and master classes. Until 1983 on the staff of the Hanover Musikhochschule, he now teaches in the Berliner Philharmoniker’s Orchestra Academy and as a visiting professor at Berlin’s Hanns Eisler Hochschule der Musik. His free time is devoted to entomology. He has collected 100,000 day-flying and night-flying butterflies and written about a number of them. His reference to their acute endangerment has led to two areas in Germany being placed under wildlife protection.
Kratki životopis:
1990. godine jedan od iznimnih udaraljkaša, pokojni profesor Edgar Guggeis, osnovao je “Hans Eisler Percussion Ensemble”.
Ansambl je sastavljen od nastavnika i studenata cijenjene berlinske “Hochschule für Musik ‘Hans Eisler”, a njegovi članovi dolaze s raznih strana svijeta.
2003. godine prof. Li Biao, zajedno s profesorom timpana, Rainerom Seegersom, preuzeo je vođenje ansambla.
Grupa redovito dobiva pozive na festivale i koncerte iz cijelog svijeta a mnogo poznatih udaraljkaša i solisti bili su članovi ansambla.
- Biao Li
- Rainer Seegers
- Sanja Fišter
Biao Li
jedan od vodećih solo udaraljkaša na međunarodnoj glazbenoj sceni, svjetski priznat zbog svoje neobične muzikalnosti na udaraljkama kao i zbog njegovog jedinstvenog nastupa.
Rođen je u Najingu, Kina, gdje glazbenu naobrazbu počinje u dobi od pet godina. Od 1982. do 1988. studira udaraljke na konzervatoriju u Pekingu. Nakon toga je studirao u klasi profesora Valentina Snegirjeva na Konzervatoriju Čajkovski u Moskvi gdje je diplomirao s pohvalama. Od 1995. do 1998. studira u klasi profesora Petera Salda na Glazbenoj Akademiji u Minhenu, gdje je i magistrirao. Osvaja mnoge nagrade na natjecanjima, npr. Natjecanju udaraljkaša u Debrecenu i Glazbenom natjecanju u Alimati. Sudjeluje na brojnim međunarodnim festivalima kao što su Glazbeni festival u Schleswig-Holsteinu, Bela Bartok festival, Yamanami Festival i Bad Kissingen Glazbeni Festival. Nastupa kao solist s europskim i azijskim orkestrima, te ansamblima komorne glazbe, kao što su npr. Kineski nacionalni simfonijski orkestar, Ansambl Tokio, Bavarski radijski simfonijski orkestar i Pekinški simfonijski orkestar na turnejama 2000., 2003. i 2005. Predavao je na mnogim međunarodnim festivalima u Europi, Aziji i SAD-u. Osnivač je i umjetnički ravnatelj Festivala Udaraljki u Pekingu i od 2003. godine profesor na Središnjem Konzervatoriju u Pekingu. Snimao je za glazbene studije EMI i Teldec, a nastupao je također i na prijenosima uživo za TV i radio snimanja za BR, ZDF, NDR, WDR i MTV. Od 2006. godine je gostujući profesor udaraljki na Glazbenoj Akademiji Hanns Eisler.
Rainer Seegers
Rainer Seegers potječe iz obitelji glazbenika. Njegov djed, mnogo godina prvi trubač leipciškog Gewandhaus orkestra, dao mu je potrebne glazbene osnove za kasniju karijeru orkestralnog umjetnika. Nakon što se s obitelji nastanio u Hannoveru, Rainer Seegers upisao je gradsku Glazbenu akademiju i otpočeo školovanje za udaraljkaša i timpanista s Albertom Schoberom i od 1973. do 1977. studirao pedagoški smjer s udaraljkama kao glavnim predmetom.
Već aktivan kao zamjena u orkestru hanoverske Gradske opere u od 13. godine, svoj prvi aktivni angažman preuzeo je u Gradskom kazalištu Braunschweig kao prvi timpanist. 1979. preselio se na istovjetno radno mjesto u Radijski simfonijski orkestar Kölna, a od 1977. do 1982. također je bio i član Festivalskog orkestra grada Bayereuth. 1984. Seegers se priključio berlinskoj filharmoniji – prvo kao regularna zamjena, zatim, od 1986., na stalnom mjestu kao nasljednik prvog timpanista orkestra, Wernera Thärichena. Njegove aktivnosti u orkestru – uključujući komornu glazbu – su dopunjene nastavničkim angažmanom i majstorskim tečajevima. Do 1983. bio je nastavnik hanoverske Glazbene akademije, sada predaje na Akademiji berlinskog filharmonijskog orkestra i gostujući je profesor na berlinskoj Hans Eisler Glazbenoj akademiji. Svoje slobodno vrijeme posvećuje entomologiji. Sakupio je 100.000 dnevnih i noćnih leptira i pisao o mnogima od njih. Njegovo pozivanje na njihovu akutnu ugroženost dovelo je do toga da su dva područja u Njemačkoj stavljena pod posebnu državnu zaštitu.
ČLANOVI ANSAMBLA: Lukas Böhm, Ni Fan, Maximilian Gärtner, Alexandros Giovanos, Emma King, Bernhard Stahl
GROUP LEADER: Juan Ponsoda
Short bio:
Since its creation in 2002, ESCLATS has enjoyed invitations to International Festivals (Puerto Rico, 06), concerts and master class (Hochschule für Music de Nuremberg – Germany 08) and performances in concert halls throughout Spain.
Their first USA Tour on September 2007 demonstrates both the group’s success and its professional, interesting and original performance. Their annual performance schedule includes instrumental and vocal soloists and actors.
In 2009 they have edited his first disc under the title “WoodenDrum” with compositions of C. Cano, T. Broström, À. Ll Ferrando, A. Valero and G. Stout, with the composer playing marimba.
They have premiered works by composers such as David Gillingham, Anders Astrand, Tobias Broström, Mark Ford, Daniel Adams, Howard Buss, Kai Stensgaard, Nigel Westlake, David Liptak, Leon Stein, Roland Schmidt, Clarence Barber, Llorenç Barber, César Cano, Àngel Ll. Ferrando, Eckhard Kopetzki, Gordon Stout, Andrés Valero, Carlos Carrillo, Tan Dun, Askell Masson, Lars Kynde, David Hildebrandt, Agustín Charles, etc
Collaborations with soloists include: Amy Lynn Barber (USA – Percussion), William Moersch (USA – Percussion), Gordon Stout (USA – Percussion), Nancy Zeltsman (USA – Marimba), Markus Leoson (Sweden – Percussion), Ivana Bilic (Croatia – Percussion), Gert Mortensen (Denmark – Percussion), Tatiana Koleva (Bulgaria – Percussion), Pedro Estevan (Spain – Percussion), Pep Sellés (Spain – Actor) Joan Gadea (Spain – Actor), José Mira (Spain – Flute), Rafael Casasempere (Spain – Flute), Jordi Bernàcer (Spain – Director), Àngel Lluís Ferrando (Spain – Director), Julio Fresneda (Spain – Clarinet), Jordi Francés (Spain – Percussion), Diana Muñoz (Spain – Mezzosoprano), Carolina P. Alcaraz (Spain – Percussion), Miguel Jiménez (Spain – Violoncello).
Esclats endorsers NP Drums, REMO and Black Swamp Percussion.
Program notes:
Thiès (2001), for percussion quartet by Pere J. Puértolas (Spain)
The work Thiès of the spanish composer Pere J. Puértolas was a commission of the Catalan group Percussions de Barcelona to the author and was premiered on February 2001 in L’Auditori de Barcelona, in the 4th season Avuimúsica of the Catalan Composers Association. Thiès, as the second work, forms a part of a trilogy that crosses the evolution of the black tribes of Africa across the paces and sounds listened in their rites and celebrations.
Mantra II (2002) for percussion quartet by Ramon Humet (Spain)
The spanish composer Ramon Humet, recent winner of the Olivier Messiaen International Composition Prize, the XXIV Queen Sofia Composition Prize, and the Joaquin Rodrigo Villa de Madrid Composition Prize, with this work he wants to produce a little hommage to the German composer Stockhausen who opened the doors to a more holistic perception of the music. This one wrote on the unit of the different sonorous parameters: frequency, time, form, spectrum. Everything is a unit.
In Mantra II, structurally, the multiplicity of rhythms generates one harmonic unitary spectrum (sections 1st and 3rd) at the hour that contains a rhythmic unit that generates a multiplicity of spectra (section 2nd).
Bridging the World (2008) for percussion trio by Tobias Broström (Sweden)
The musical theme based on the Chaconne in d-minor of J.S. Bach. There is a fascination sound from the melody of the Vibraphone completed by the accompaniment of the two Marimbas. A special magic colour is arising with some tuned gongs and crotales sounds a few and fare between.
¡RRRR! (2001) for percussion quartet by Andres Valero (Spain)
In this piece the composer pretends to give an indication or demonstration of all the musical resources or possibilities of a snare drum. In addition to the richness of its dynamics, it is also necessary to point out the variety of timbres (supported and emphasized by certain voice effects) and the expressive versatility projected by its huge articulation possibilities. Furthermore, the different pitch that can be obtained playing in different areas of the drumhead and even more multiplied by four different size of drumheads and snare drums which offer us different melodic facilities that are extremely poignant, especially at bars 112 to 119. In this passage the snare drum “melodic” facet is vindicated by a quotation of one of the biggest melodist composer in the History of Music; it consists in creating an audio approach or illusion taken from the beginning of Franz Shubert ́s Symphony No. 9 in C Major, D944 “The Great”.
The title contains a clear onomatopoeic allusion to the beginning of the piece.
Nordic Peace (2004) for percussion quartet by Tobias Broström (Sweden)
Nordic Peace is a percussion quartet that takes ideas from a drumset fill. One of the set-ups calls for a drum set without toms. The other set-up uses toms, bongos, timbales, kickdrum. cowbells, wood blocks, opera gongs and shaker (among other things). Traditional drum set ideas are presented from a different point of view.
Kratka biografija:
Od svog osnivanja 2002. španjolski sastav ESCLATS je gostovao na međunarodnim festivalima (Puerto Rico, 2006.), koncertimai majstorskim tečajevima (Glazbena akademija, Nürnberg, Njemačka 2008.) te nastupao u koncertnim dvoranama diljem Europe.
Njihova prva turneja po SAD-u u rujnu 2007. učvrstila je medjunarodni ugled grupe te njihov profesionalni, zanimljiv i originalan nastup. Program njihovih redovitih godišnjih nastupa uključuje instrumentalne i vokalne soliste i glumce.
2009. godine objavili su svoj prvi nosač zvuka “WoodenDrum” sa skladbama C. Cano, T. Broström, A. Ll Ferrando, A. Valero i G. Stout koji se pridružio i kao marimbist.
ESCLATS su ostvarili brojne praizvedbe djela skladatelja kao što su David Gillingham, Anders Astrand, Tobias Broström, Mark Ford, Daniel Adams, Howard Buss, Kai Stensgaard, Nigel Westlake, David Liptak, Leon Stein, Roland Schmidt, Clarence Barber, Llorenç Barber, César Cano, Àngel Ll. Ferrando, Eckhard Kopetzki, Gordon Stout, Andrés Valero, Carlos Carrillo, Tan Dun, Askell Masson, Lars Kynde, David Hildebrandt, Agustín Charles, itd.
Suradnja sa solistima uključuje: Amy Lynn Barber (SAD – udaraljke) William Moersch (SAD – udaraljke), Gordon Stout (SAD – udaraljke), Nancy Zeltsman (USA – Marimba), Markus Leoson (Švedska – udaraljke), Ivana Bilic (Hrvatska – udaraljke), Gert Mortensen (Danska – udaraljke), Tatiana Koleva (Bugarska – udaraljke), Pedro Estevan (Španjolska – udaraljke), Pep Sellés (Španjolska – glumac) Joan Gadea (Španjolska – glumac), José Mira (Španjolska – flauta), Rafael Casasempere (Španjolska – flauta), Jordi Bernàcer (Španjolska – redatelj), Àngel Lluís Ferrando (Španjolska – redatelj), Julio Fresneda (Španjolska – klarinet), Jordi Francés (Španjolska – udaraljke), Diana Muñoz (španjolska – mezzosopran), Carolina P. Alcaraz (španjolska – udaraljke Miguel Jiménez (Španjolska – violončello).
Esclats potpisuje NP Drums, REMO and Black Swamp Percussion.
Bilješke o programu:
Thiès (2001)
za udaraljkaški kvarter skladatelja Pere J. Puértolas (Španjolska)
Djelo Thiès španjolskog skladatelja Perea J. Puértolasa je skladano po narudžbi za Katalonski udaraljkaški sastav iz Barcelone i premijerno je izvedeno u veljači 2001. u L’Auditori de Barcelona u sklopu četvrte sezone Avumusica Udruge katalonskih skladatelja. Thiès, kao drugo djelo, čini dio trilogije koja prikazuje evoluciju crnačkih plemena Afrike putem ritmova i zvukova u njihovim ritualima i proslavama.
Mantra II (2002.) za udaraljkaški kvartet
skladatelja Ramona Humeta (Španjolska)
Španjolski skladatelj Ramon Humet, dobitnik Međunarodne skladateljske nagrade Olivier Messiaen, XXIV. Nagrade za skladanje kraljice Sofije, te nagrade za skladanje grada Madrida, ovim djelom želi dati mali hommage njemačkom skladatelju Stockhausenu koji je otvorio vrata holističkoj percepciji glazbe a skladao je služeći se različitim zvučnim parametrima kao što su frekvencija, vrijeme, oblik i boja stapajući sve u jednu prepoznatljivu cjelinu.
U Mantri II, strukturno gledano raznolikost ritmova stvara njihov ukupno harmoničan i jedinstveni spektar.
Bridging the World (2008.) za udaraljkaški trio
skladatelja Tobiasa Broströma (Švedska)
Glazbena tema temeljena je na Chaconne u d molu J. S. Bacha. Fascinantan je zvuk melodije vibrafona koji prate dvije marimbe. Posebno čarobna boja zvuka proizlazi iz usklađenog zvuka gongova i crotalesa.
!RRRR! (2001) za udaraljkaški kvartet
skladatelja Andresa Valera (Španjolska)
U ovom djelu skladatelj nastoji indicirati ili pokazati sve glazbene mogućnosti malog bubnja. Kao dodatak bogatstvu njegove dinamike, također je potrebno istaknuti izbor različitih zvučnih efekata (koje su pojačani i podržani i glasovnim efektima) i ekspresivnu različitost projiciranu ogromnim artikulacijskim mogućnostima. Štoviše, bogatsvo varijacija koja se može postići sviranjem na različitim dijelovima bubnja još pojačavaju i četiri različite veličine opne što takodjer nudi različite glazbene mogućnosti. Melodijski potencijal malog bubnja je prikazan citatom jednog od najvećih skladatelja u povijesti glazbe; a sastoji se u stvaranju iluzije kao da je motiv uzet iz početka Simfonije br. 9 Franza Schuberta u C duru, D944 “Velika”. Naziv djela sadrži jasnu onomatopeičku aluziju na početak djela.
Nordic Peace (2004) za udaraljkaški kvartet
skladatelja Tobiasa Broströma (Švedska)
Nordic Peace je udaraljkaški kvartet za bubnjeve. Izvodjačka situacija vodi nas kroz različito instrumentirane dijelove skladbe: set bubnjeva, tom-tomi, bongosi, timbalesi, bas bubnjevi s pedalom, kravlja zvona, drveni blokovi, opera gongovi i zvečke… Tradicionalne bubnjarske ideje predstavljene su iz različitih skladateljskih kuteva gledanja.
Radford University Percussion Ensemble
Dr. Rob Sanderl
SPONSOR: Radford University
Short bio:
The Radford University Percussion Ensemble is in its third year under the direction of Dr. Rob Sanderl. The group consists of percussionists working towards undergraduate degrees in Music Education, Music Business, and Music Therapy. Since 2009, the ensemble has presented performances at various schools, PAS Days of Percussion, and in the fall of 2010 was one of three groups selected to perform at the Virginia Music Educators Association Conference, representing the first Radford University group to be selected for such a performance in over 20 years. This past fall the ensemble also began a new concert series at the Taubman Museum of Art, focusing on performances involving live percussion along with improvised dance and art. The percussion ensembles performance at IPEW 2012 represents the first time a Radford University ensemble has performed internationally. The Radford University Percussion Ensemble focuses on chamber percussion music from the 20th and 21st centuries, presenting most of their works without conductor.
GROUP MEMBERS / PERFORMERS: Rachel Moore, Jenna Duranko, Callie Dupree, Amanda Baty, Amelia Blevins, Jesse Lykins, Coleman Gilleland, Matthew Holloway, Andrew Sisk, James Fitzgibbon, Trevor Creany, Kyle Osterhaus , Cody Kesling, Nathan Garrison, Brian Peters
Program notes:
Ritual Music by David Skidmore is a highly aggressive and rhythmic quartet for percussion composed in 2005. The work is based on variations of the numbers 2 and 4, as themes representing these numbers are passed from player to player and instrument to instrument. The unique collections and pairing of sounds creates a texture that harkens back to times long ago. In this performance, Ritual Music acts as an “overture” of sorts to begin the concert with a great deal of excitement and volume.
-Rob Sanderl
Heavens Awake was composed for my nephew Brennan during the summer of 2011. I pictured him laying awake in his crib outside on a cloudless night looking up at the sky and wondering what the sky would “sound” like to him. The work is largely minimalist in nature, and uses a variety of interlocking patterns that move over various chord changes. As the phrases and patterns change, so do the role of the different instruments. For example, the vibes are the melodic voice in the first phrase and then the accompaniment in the second. This pairing idea continues throughout the entire work melding the brighter metallic sounds of the vibraphone with the warm wood tones of the marimba.
-Rob Sanderl
U-Turn was composed in 2009 for the Louisiana State University Percussion Ensemble. The work is very rhythmic with shifting meters throughout. There are many unique moments where players are paired together as well as moments where the writing is completely linear. A number of rhythmic motives are used as connective tissue throughout the work, and provide a sense of musical direction. Sudden changes in dynamics and tempo keep the piece fresh as it grooves heavily from beginning to end.
-Rob Sanderl
Bye Bye Medley, arranged by Bob Becker in 2000, features two great Tin Pan Alleysongs from the 1920s. The first is Ray Henderson’s famous stop-time melodyBye Bye Blackbird (lyrics by Mort Dixon), which is still popular as a jazz standard. Second is Bye Bye Blues, written by Fred Hamm, Dave Bennett, Bert Lown and Chauncey Gray. An old banjo favorite, this tune was often used as a virtuoso showpiece by xylophonists as well.
-Bob Becker
Quad Helix by Owen Clayton Condon represents a later version of his work Double Helix for two marimbas. Upon the formation of the group Third Coast Percussion, Clay decided to add the percussion parts heard in this version of the work. The two keyboard parts are built on the same melodic and scale materials, and thus “wrap around” each other like the chromosomal helix found in the human body. The work is very challenging and requires a great attention to detail, making sure all the voices are interacting with each other properly.
Bloom by Ivan Trevino was composed in 2011 and was the winner of the PAS 2011 composition contest for mallet quartet. The work in minimalist in nature, using a carefully selected group of notes and rhythms that are combined to form a dense web of counterpoint. The rhythmic syncopation of the piece creates an echo effect that makes the piece sound more three dimensional to the listener. The form of the piece is ABA, with a slow but rhythmic section making up the middle of the work.
For many historians John Cage is the most important composer of the 20th century, if sometimes for all the wrong reasons. While largely remembered for his drastic experiements during the 1950’s, Cage wrote many critical works prior to this time period. Third Construction, from 1941, remains to this day one of the most often performed works in all of percussion. Written for a wide variety of traditional percussion and “found” objects, Cage weaves a complex web of sounds and rhythms that at times overwhelms the listener. Structured in 24 sections, the piece is bombastic at one moment, and exceedingly subtle the next. The qualities that make this work unique, as well as the craftsmanship, certainly lead one to believe that this work will continue to be at the centre of percussion literature for the foreseeable future.
Kratki životopis:
Udaraljkaški ansambl sveučilišta Redford već tri godine djeluje pod vodstvom dr. Roba Sanderla. Grupa se sastoji od udaraljkaša koji su na preddiplomskom glazbenom studiju koji uključuje Glazbenu pedagogiju, Izvodjački smjer te Glazbenu terapiju. Od 2009., ansambl je nastupao gostujući na raznim sveučilištima, PAS Days of Percussion (Dani udaraljkaša) i u jesen 2010. je bio jedan od tri sastava izabrana da nastupaju na Simpoziju Glazbenih pedagoga države Virginia, i bili prvi redfordski sveučilišni sastav izabran za takav nastup u više od 20 godina. Prošle jeseni ansambl je također počeo novu koncertnu seriju u Muzeju za umjetnost grada Taubman, fokusirajući se na nastupe koji uključuju sviranje udaraljki uživo zajedno s improviziranim plesom i likovnom umjetnošću. Redford University Percussion Ensemble usmjeren je na komornu udaraljkašku glazbu 20. i 21. stoljeća, izvodeći najveći dio svojih radova bez dirigenta.
Članovi ansambla: Rachel Moore, Jenna Duranko, Callie Dupree, Amanda Baty, Amelia Blevins, Jesse Lykins, Coleman Gilleland, Matthew Holloway, Andrew Sisk, James Fitzgibbon, Trevor Creany, Kyle Osterhaus , Cody Kesling, Nathan Garrison, Brian Peters
Bilješke o programu:
Ritual Music skladatelja Davida Skidmorea je izuzetno agresivan ritmični kvartet za udaraljke skladan 2005. Djelo se temelji na varijacijama prenosenim od izvodjača do izvodjača te s instrumenta na instrument. Jedinstvene kombinacije zvukova stvaraju zvučne slike davno prošlih vremena. U ovoj izvedbi, Ritual Music je zamišljen kao “uvertira” kojom počinje koncert uz puno uzbuđenja i glasnoće.
Heavens Awake je skladan za mog nećaka Brennana u ljeto 2011. Prikazao sam ga kako leži budan vani u kolijevci u noći bez oblaka i gleda gore u nebo i pita se kako bi njemu nebo “zvučalo”. Djelo je u velikoj mjeri minimalističke prirode i koristi različite isprepletene uzorke koji se kreću preko različitih promjena akorda. Kako se mijenjaju fraze i uzorci tako se isto mijenja i uloga različitih instrumenata. Na primjer, vibracije su melodičan glas u prvoj frazi, a zatim prateći u drugoj. Ovo kombiniranje ideja nastavlja se kroz cijelo djelo spajajući svjetlije metalne zvukove vibrafona s toplim drvenim tonovima marimbe.
- Rob Sanderl
U-Turn je skladan 2009. za Udarljkaški ansambl džavnog sveučilišta u državi Louisiana. Djelo je jako ritmično s mjerama koje se cijelo vrijeme mijenjaju. Postoje mnogi jedinstveni trenuci gdje se svirači uparuju kao također i trenuci gdje je pisanje potpuno linearno. Mnogobrojni ritmični motivi se koriste kao spojno tkivo kroz cijelo djelo, i daju osjećaj glazbenog kretanja. Iznenadne promjene u dinamici i tempu održvaju izvedbu svježom.
Bye Bye Medley, aranžman Bob Beckera iz 2000., prikazuje dvije izvrsne Tin Pan Alley pjesme iz 1920. Prva je slavna melodija Raya Hendersona Bye Bye Blackbird (riječi Morta Dixona), koja je još uvijek popularna kao jazz standard. Druga je Bye Bye Blues, koju su napisali Fred Hamm, Dave Bennett, Bert Lown i Chauncey Gray. Kao omiljenu pjesmu za bendžo, ovu pjesmu su često koristili solisti na ksilofonu kao virtuozni dodatak programu.
- Bob Becker
Quad Helix skladatelja Owena Claytona Condona predstavlja kasniju verziju njegovog rada Double Helix za dvije marimbe. Nakon formiranja grupe Third Coast Percussion, Clay je odlučio dodati dijelove za udaraljke. Dva dijela za klavijature su građena na istim materijalima melodije i ljestvica, i tako “omataju” jedan drugoga kao kromosomska spirala koju nalazimo u ljudskom tijelu. Djelo je jako zahtjevno i traži veliku pozornost na detaljima, pazeći da su svi glasovi u točnoj međusobnoj interakciji.
Bloom skladatelja Ivana Trevina je skladan 2011. i dobitnik je PASS 2011. natjecanja u skladanju za kvartet melodijskih udaraljki. Djelo je minimalističke prirode i koristi pažljivo odabranu grupu nota i ritmova koji su kombinirani tako da oblikuju gustu mrežu kontrapunkta. Ritmična sinkopacija djela stvara efekt jeke koja čini djelo trodimenzionalnim za slušatelja. Oblik kompozicije je ABA, sa sporim, ali ritmičnim dijelom koji čini njegov srednji dio.
Za mnoge povjesničare John Cage je najvažniji skladatelj 20. stoljeća, iako ponekad zbog potpuno pogrešnih razloga. Dok se uglavnom pamti po drastičnim eksperimentima tijekom 1950.ih godina, Cage je napisao mnogo antologijskih radova prije tog razdoblja. Third Construction, iz 1941., ostaje do današnjih dana jedno od najčešće izvođenih djela za udaraljke. Napisano za veliki broj tradicionalnih udaraljki i “pritučnih” predmeta, Cage plete složenu mrežu zvukova i ritmova koji ponekad svladaju slušatelja. Ima strukturu od 24 dijela i u jednom trenutku komad je bombastičan, a već u sljedećem krajnje suptilan. Kvalitete koje ovaj rad čine jedinstvenim, kao također i njegovo majstorstvo, svakako čine da čovjek povjeruje kako će on i nadalje biti nezaobilazan primjer udaraljkaške literature i u doglednoj budućnosti.